Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 7, 2025
Behave yourself! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I will be good and keep this blog clean of "banned" topics. But there are times when I'd love to dive deep. I think it's essential to have venues that are free of that kind of stuff. I've often thought about starting another forum where I could rant and rave to my heart's content. In the meantime, DH gets the brunt of it! And that's all I'll say on that topic. 

By banned, I mean I had to ban specific topics from my Monday Sewing group because the conversations just went ugly, and that ...

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February 6, 2025
Be FEARLESS - it'll all work out! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh dear - Murphy's bone is rawhide! We've never had issues with her, but I've heard horror stories of other things getting stuck in a dog's gut. Hmm -- what are my options - she only seems to like to chew rawhide. Antlers - suitable for a quick chew, but not lasting. She doesn't like them. 

I don't know what her problem is these days, but she is worse than Velcro. You can't sit down without her there, trying to coerce you to pet her. And one hand is NOT enough - it has to be both! Oh ...

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February 5, 2025
Creatures of habit from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my -- I need to get back to answering your comments. So many great ideas -- thanks for all of them. Maybe I'll get back to a few today. 

Yesterday, I gave two more presentations. This time, our format is 90 minutes, not 60, and that extra 30 minutes is tough. No, it's not tough, but I'm so used to a 60-minute format that it's just a question of getting used to it. Plus, I open my calls 30 minutes in advance, so each call is now 2 hours. No bathroom break, so I have to watch ...

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January 25, 2025
When your PEEPS are missing from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 We have a situation in our house. It's not serious if you are human, but it's pretty bad if you have four legs. In the past, our girls were used to being on their own. If one or both of us were gone, they handled it gracefully. Now that we both work from home, we are here for the girls 100% of the time. 

So when DH went away earlier this week, the girls, and Lexi in particular, were NOT happy. 

After the walk, I was taking off my shoes and saw this: Lexi was sitting in front ...

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January 13, 2025
What is that SMELL? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh dear - what have I done? And I can't even blame DH for this one! Plus, I should know better. 

What happened? I saw that we were getting low on laundry detergent, so I decided to buy some on one of my trips to the grocery store. Hmm - I looked at all the containers but didn't spot the same one we are currently using. Oh my -- all these scents. Gross! 

I purchased one with "Original Scent," thinking it would be scent-free. What an idiot I am!!! 

That is NOT scent-free, and now our house stinks like this scent ...

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January 12, 2025
Battling decision making issues from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

So what happened? A LOT! While my situation is pretty tame compared to the mental health issues that others experience, I can see how debilitating it can be. When I get into one of these states, my productivity goes down, I procrastinate, and I almost make myself sick with the weight of the issue on my shoulders. That gets me into those stressful time crunches. Thankfully, I can dig myself out of a hole, but it might take a long time for that to happen. 

I thought it was timely that this was the message on my Yogi Positive Energy ...

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January 10, 2025
The internet made me do it! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I got a chuckle from Elle's comment. Tiny home living is for those without "space-required" hobbies! Oh my! I did say that I would have all my sewing stuff in another space! What a hoot! But seriously - that should be something everyone needs to be told upfront. If you are going to quilt, you need SPACE. I know some people (Paula Neidlestern comes to mind) sew in tiny spaces, but where do they store stuff? OH - they don't buy a ton of things! 

BTW - Paula lives in a small apartment in New York City. She used to sew ...

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January 9, 2025
Murphy entertains - AGAIN!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh - if you only knew! While I'm doing a great job with the rest of the house, I'll confess that Studio B looks like a train wreck! There's something about that space that just won't let me tidy it up! Many things have homes, and that works, but there are too many irons in the fire at the moment, and I just can't get it cleaned up! 

Case in point: I went to cut some quilt blocks yesterday. Where can I put my mini design boards? They were teetering on one of my digital cutters ...

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January 8, 2025
Decluttering WORKS! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a chance to read more of the Organizing magazine and found some tidbits to share with you. 

But first, I promised some pictures of my decluttering/organizing skills. 

One of the things about decluttering/organizing is that if you don't do it correctly, and by that, I mean - in a way suited to YOUR needs, the system won't work. You'll end up with a cluttered, chaotic organization system. While it is good to check out what the magazine says, or I guess I should say social media, or me, you have to tailor ANY solution ...

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January 6, 2025
Lofty goals from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's a new year, and many people are setting goals, such as how many books they will read, how many projects they will work on, or how many miles they will walk. 

Last night, in our Conquerer Facebook group, I noticed that one person set a lofty goal for 2025: The circumference of the earth, which is 24,910 MILES at the equator. Seriously? That's 68 MILES a day. What is their mode of transportation? A scooter? A car? which then defeats the purpose of a challenge to get you moving. 

I see someone else posted this morning ...

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January 5, 2025
Will that work for you? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Decluttering! A lifelong skill that no one teaches, but they should! Clutter creeps up because we don't have homes for the things we own. And we are notorious for buying MORE. For fun, look at this short video. Need I say more? 

Here's something that I've noticed about myself. Years ago, I would quickly get bored at home. I know -- how could that happen? It wasn't boredom so much as the need to talk to someone. So, who did I talk to? Diane and Susannah at Ruti's Needlebed. I'd go over and chat for ...

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January 4, 2025
Meanfingful gifts from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

You'll be happy to know (and I'm thrilled) that I made excellent progress on the samples, and I'm almost done. Yes, a bit more stitching is needed, and they will be finished. Thank goodness. I didn't think the process out too much in advance; I may have overdone it. But I'm learning lots while making them, and that's all that counts!

I know that many of you are in the process of decluttering right along with me. There are all kinds of 30-day plans, and on each day, you tackle a different area. I ...

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January 3, 2025
Sampler Quilts from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I know that I shouldn't be reading all these old magazines. I'm above that - toss them and be done with it. Buy no more than you can read. However, I have to say that I LOVE reading them. They are almost more entertaining than reading the current ones, which tend to be filled with patterns I'll never make. 

Here's what I learned from a quilting magazine that is over 25 years old! The magazine is called Sampler Quilts by Quilt and has a copyright date 1999. 

Sampler Quilt magazine

Didn't everyone make a sampler quilt ...

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January 1, 2025
Happy New Year 2025! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Thanks to everyone for the comments about prewashing fabrics. I do not add any products (soap, detergent, or fabric softeners) when prewashing. I followed instructions on a package that said to prewash and wondered what others do! What does the manufacturer mean when they say prewash—detergent or not? But the instructions also specified not to use fabric softener! 

It's interesting, but I was told years ago that dryer sheets have massive amounts of chemicals in them, including petroleum, which can end up staining (permanently) your clothing! We haven't used dryer sheets in years. Nor ...

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January 16, 2024
Feeling out of control from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

NO --- I do not feel out of control today, but have you ever experienced that? You have no control over your life. Things are just piling up, and you're not happy? People driving you made? Deadlines looming? OK -- so I often feel out of control. Do you know what makes it all go away? 

By DOING! How many times have we agonized over doing something? The deadline looms closer, and we're still feeling out of control. Have you ever noticed that writing a list of the steps, starting the project, or at least getting organized will immediately calm ...

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December 24, 2023
What a little FOCUS can do! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's amazing what a little FOCUS can do in a day! I have awesome photos to share with you, and I am so excited! 

I'm not sure if it helped, but I listened to an audiobook and listened to the entire thing from start to finish yesterday -- about 7 hours. The book is called Counting the Cost by Jill Dugger. I found the book fascinating - not because of who the author was. I've never watched a single episode of their shows and know nothing about them. 

There were two things I took away from this book -- the ...

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December 13, 2023
Gratitude for the little things from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Have you ever had a day that if you kept a gratitude journal, the day would overflow? That was yesterday! So many GOOD things happened. 

There has been one thing about mySewnet software that has niggled at me since I started to use it. Could I figure it out on my own? Well, sort of, but I just couldn't get the function to work properly. After watching a YouTube video --I got it! Watch me roll now!! 

I figured out the daily puzzle on the Advent Calendar. While DH was home, he was busy, so I attempted it on ...

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December 12, 2023
Going down memory lane from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I caved and looked at the third clue for the 10th puzzle in the Advent Calendar. Even after getting a hint from someone also doing it, my brain just wouldn't go down that route. Even though we had a similar type of clue earlier, well, it just wasn't happening! I get it, and it makes perfect sense. At least we figured out the first part of the clue, so we're not complete idiots! 

The puzzle that almost brought me down

Guess what I got? DH bought me a treat, not that these are anywhere near as exciting ...

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December 10, 2023
A LIGHTBULB moment from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I was in a bit of a huff yesterday, not because anything significant happened. OK -- DH did NOT solve the EXIT Game puzzle before he went to bed. So we attempted it again in the morning, and we were stumped. I had to check the first clue, and OMG. You have to be kidding me. We missed something so blatantly apparent that it put me in a funk for part of the day! 

So last night, when we opened the next room, it was with great trepidation. And we fiddled, and we fiddled, and we chatted about it. And we ...

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December 6, 2023
I will NOT go to the thrift store! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I spent the entire morning in front of the computer. My entire morning consisted of about 2 hours as I had to have lunch early because of a dentist appointment at Noon. In those two hours, I cranked out a lot of e-mails, but I'm behind, and I still have homework to send out. Well, it's incredible how much time all those little details take. 

I'll just keep plugging away at it, and as the classes are coming to a close for this year, hopefully, those follow-ups will get less and less, but then I have to ...

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