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February 17, 2025
Long List from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends, and Happy President's Day! We're celebrating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln today. Here, in America, these used to be separate holidays. A while back, some genius got the idea to combine the two into a single national holiday, providing Americans with another three-day weekend. If that includes you, then enjoy your day off. 

There was more on yesterday's to-do list than I remembered when I wrote yesterday's post. For one thing, I'd forgotten I needed to bake another pre-breakfast snack. Mike was given an opportunity to choose my ...

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Long List from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends, and Happy President's Day! We're celebrating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln today. Here, in America, these used to be separate holidays. A while back, some genius got the idea to combine the two into a single national holiday, providing Americans with another three-day weekend. If that includes you, then enjoy your day off. 

There was more on yesterday's to-do list than I remembered when I wrote yesterday's post. For one thing, I'd forgotten I needed to bake another pre-breakfast snack. Mike was given an opportunity to choose my ...

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Hex is Gone from Night Owl Quilting

Bridy brought this pretty quilt that really brightened up a cold winter's day.  The pattern is called Hex Is Gone from Taren Studios.  

Bridy used fabrics and coordinates from the Art Gallery Fabric Season of Tribute - Garden of Opulence Collection.  She selected the Blooming Birds pantograph and a vibrant peach thread that shines on the sold fabrics.

My favorite part of this quilt was the backing fabric!  Bridy treated herself to some luscious flannel from the Garden of Opulence collection in a print called Botanists Essay Two.  Worth the splurge I'd say!

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Life is Precious from Humble Quilts

 I think we all know life is precious but when referring to my daughter I feel it even more. You may not know but my daughter was in a serious high speed car accident this past summer. She is recovering but it is a slow process.  We had to drive into Portland on an unrelated matter and met our kids for lunch. Rene made that gorgeous bluebird embroidery!!

The note is personal and touching for me but I wanted to share it with you, 

So, on that note, I found that amazing lovely blue print above but am not quite ...

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Weekly update: concert, new storage, a flimsy, and reading from With Strings Attached

  Still no walking, but we did get out Sunday afternoon for the Lake County Symphony Orchestra's winter concert at the College of Lake County.  First act:  Bernstein's Chichester Psalms. Second act:  Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.  Ode to Joy in the fourth movement was performed by a combined choir (Northern Illinois University and local chorales).   Wonderful music just fifteen miles from home and $30 per seat.  

It was a full house with open seating, but we had seats in the ADA accessible row.

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In the studio:  Closet Maid wire basket units hold a lot of fabric.  Unfortunately they are ...

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Squared Away Cutie Quilt -- ABC Stencil from Quilty Pleasures

I can't count how many Squared Away quilts I've made.  30?  40?  A LOT!  I think I've quilted all of them using ribbon candy in the background and letting the feature fabrics puff up.

Since I'm in the mood to use my ABC Stencils lately, I decided to quilt this Squared Away using my Moon and Star ABC Stencil.

I completed this quilt so quickly that I was sad that I didn't get to quilt it longer!

I filmed the quilting of this quilt and posted it as a subscriber-exclusive video in As the Bobbin ...

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Jumbo Cookies, Owl Watching, Cross Stitch Finish, EPP Stars from Canadian Needle Nana

When we drove home from Robbie's hockey game last Saturday evening, we couldn't get over how light it still was for 5:30. The season is moving along we happily agreed. 

I had the pleasure of spotting and watching a young Barred Owl recently. There is one wooded area here where I've photographed Barred Owls a couple of times. I always look at the tree tops when I walk through there. This time I was lucky to spy him because this owl was quite tucked away, snuggled against a tree trunk and with its colouring, blending in ...

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Stars and Stripes Picnic Quilt from Prairie Moon Quilts

Usually, when I design a Block-of-the-Month quilt, it spawns so many ideas for spin-off quilts that I end up having to make some of them! Such is the case with the Loretta’s Farm and Garden Sampler quilts.

One of the blocks used in Loretta’s Sampler is the traditional block called “Star and Stripe”. When placed next to each other without any sashing, these blocks make a fantastic secondary design. Because of the block’s original name, I wanted to make my picnic size version in red, white, and blue. And I had the perfect bundle for it!

The ...

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Kimberly’s Color 2025- Marina! from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

Kimberly’s Color is a fun way to bring new color and life into your sewing room each year! For the very first year, you know we had to do something in aqua, and this bright shade of Marina was specially selected by Kimberly Jolly! This limited edition set features some of her favorite notions, including Alphabitties, a Mad for Plaid Project Bag, a Mini Cutting Mat, and a Stash ‘n Store. Keep reading to learn all about these colorful goodies!

Kimberly’s Color Master Set

Pick up all of Kimberly’s favorite notions in the exclusive 2025 color, Marina ...

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Trimming Up and Binding On! from Quiltville's Quips & Snips!

I made it!

I made it all the way around.

Can you see where my hoop is now? It's moving up about 10'' from the edge and I'll start working the cross-hatching toward the center of the quilt.

But first - this quilt needs a trim and a bind!
Click to Read the Whole Story!

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Windy Monday from South Jersey Quilter

 It was windy and rainy yesterday, and windy today. Like, 50 mph winds! Our trash cans blew all over the place windy.

 Baby Boone! That bow! 

Heather brought me beautiful roses for my birthday, they smell so good!

 Someone else had a birthday! Huckleberry was a year old on Valentine's Day! She had a party Saturday with 4 other puppy frieds and some two legged friends also.

I didn't have the TV on all weekend, I can't stand hearing about Prez Musk and the First Felon. Just too disgusting and enraging. Sigh.


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Two more quilted from Gayle Bong Quilts Too

 For a mini quilting marathon I'm pleased I quilted 2 more yesterday.

They both use the same block, the moc log cabin. This started as a group effort at Studio 3. Several of us made the blocks from a shoe box each of squares and triangles. At one point I noticed all the blue so I focused on grouping those. Lois put the blocks together with the green border and I did the blue. Another is quilted and gone and we're down to 1 box. 

Typically this block is assembled as a 9 patch, but the patches finish ...

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Design Wall Monday - February 17 from My Sewing Room

I took the weekend OFF - from sewing, and spent time with friends and family.  

Saturday morning we left the house about 8:00 am to drive to Brookings where the youngest grandson had a basketball tournament.  So we watched his 3rd grade team play 2 games, hung out with the son-in-law in between games, then scooted across town to the Jackrabbit women's game in the afternoon.  That was very handy, as it was the big rivalry game and we wouldn't have wanted to miss the Jackrabbits vs the USD Coyotes.  Jackrabbits had a win but it was a ...

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The snow has stopped! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What a whirlwind day! I ran between Zoom and shoveling snow and Zoom. But there is good news—wait for it. 

This was after the first shovel in the morning. This picture was taken around 8 a.m. and the snow was covering up my handiwork as I finished. 

8 a.m.

Then, at 11:30, I went out after finishing my two binding Zoom classes. A lot of snow had accumulated, and it was still snowing. 


Then, there was the shovel session at 3:00 p.m. Each time, it took between 40 - 50 minutes to shovel. Is ...

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Brown Bag Mystery Quilt from Becca's Crazy Projects

I don't know what it is about these mystery quilts that I love so much. That doesn't matter. I popped over to The Crabby Quilter, one of my local quilt shops, and picked up a kit and the Creative Grids Square on Square Trim Tool (3in or 6in).
I admit I chose it because of those cute, little kitties! I'm excited to get started on this project. Every year this is an adventure that takes me outside my comfort zone. I'm here for it!

Check out my previous BBMQ's.
    Piece of Cake (2024)
    Timeshare (2023 ...

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Lap quilts from Happy Cottage Quilter

 Making lap quilts for the senior residents is my goal again this year. I enjoy making these simple lap quilts. They don't take a lot of thinking, which is sometimes a good thing. Kind of therapeutic. So this is the second top I've made.

I hope to make one a month. Last Christmas I delivered 10 lap quilts, so I need to step it up and make at least 12 altogether.

                                        Sew and Tell

                                      Finished or not Friday
                                      Design wall Monday

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Strawberry sewing from Just Sew Sue


I received a very welcome parcel from Moda last week. My request for Strawberry by Kimberley Kight was originally despatched on 31 October, but it never arrived. Moda were kind enough to despath a second box containing two layer cakes, extra wide backing and some specked for binding. This is for a pattern that will be in Make Modern this summer and Strawberry should be despatched to stores in May.

I am not a lover of green, so I have swapped out the two green squares for some pink fabric from the first line of Strawberry and I'm ready ...

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More no brainer sewing.......... from Exuberant Color

I had so much making these strip sets Saturday night that I chose some more pairs and kept sewing.  There was one more under the needle when I took this photo so 9 strip sets last night and 14 sets on Saturday night.

I decided I'm going to cut them into 5" sections so I made some half sets for more variety, and also to use some shorter pieces in the boxes of strips.

Here are the next 13 paired sets ready to sew tonight.

I got my large Crooked Cobblestone top 3/4 basted yesterday.  I should be ...

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Design Wall Monday - February 17, 2025 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

 Good Morning Quilters!

I hope you had a great Valentines Day with your loved ones.  Here are some quilts that are out at our house this February.

Two over the railings of the stairs near the front door::

A doll quilt of toile fabric that matches the bigger quilt above:

Do you notice that I fussy cut the toile fabric so there are two of each bird?  I love birds and am enjoying the variety that are at the bird feeder outside my kitchen window.  Life is full of small pleasures.

I am nearing the corners of the Cousin’s ...

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It’s Done from Quilts....etc.

I worked off and on all day on The Rose Garden – If I want to I can still add a red border to it and have enough left for the red binding but I have grown tired of working on it right now LOL so it is folded up now and put away to […]

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