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January 2, 2023
New Year, New Goals, New Milestones! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Happy New Year! I've given up on any guiding words or resolutions for 2023; I decided that I didn't want to set myself up for any disappointments or failure in that arena. Instead I have set some goals, both short and long term.  With an active, growing puppy in the house, it seems right to set the biggest long term goal for this year as one that sees Augie growing into a well behaved and

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New Year, New Goals, New Milestones! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Happy New Year! I've given up on any guiding words or resolutions for 2023; I decided that I didn't want to set myself up for any disappointments or failure in that arena. Instead I have set some goals, both short and long term.  With an active, growing puppy in the house, it seems right to set the biggest long term goal for this year as one that sees Augie growing into a well behaved and

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October 6, 2021
For Everything There Is A Season... from From the Strawberry Patch...

We recently took a quick trip north for a very special occasion: it was Mr. G's and my 50th high school reunion! Our class has always stayed pretty well connected and, even fifty years later, some things don't change. There were approximately 125 classmates in attendance, not bad out of a class of 307!  In this photo are the three amigas, we were the very best of friends in high school and always

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For Everything There Is A Season... from From the Strawberry Patch...

We recently took a quick trip north for a very special occasion: it was Mr. G's and my 50th high school reunion! Our class has always stayed pretty well connected and, even fifty years later, some things don't change. There were approximately 125 classmates in attendance, not bad out of a class of 307!  In this photo are the three amigas, we were the very best of friends in high school and always

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