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July 26, 2024
Bordering on a Finish from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day, and so I'm writing fast. Ordinarily I don't like grocery shopping on a Friday. It always seems busier as the weekend approaches. We shopped last Friday, however, and it wasn't too bad. We try to get in and out early, which is just a good way to do it no matter what day of the week it is. We'll reward ourselves with our favorite Egg McMuffin breakfast. Mike likes the Sausage McMuffin.

The annuals needed watering, and the bird feeders needed attention, and so I was ...

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Bordering on a Finish from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day, and so I'm writing fast. Ordinarily I don't like grocery shopping on a Friday. It always seems busier as the weekend approaches. We shopped last Friday, however, and it wasn't too bad. We try to get in and out early, which is just a good way to do it no matter what day of the week it is. We'll reward ourselves with our favorite Egg McMuffin breakfast. Mike likes the Sausage McMuffin.

The annuals needed watering, and the bird feeders needed attention, and so I was ...

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July 25, 2024
Lots of Sewing from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I can see clearly now because I have clean windows. With window washer man here yesterday, I spent most of my day in the windowless sewing room staying out of his way. It's an excellent strategy, if I do say so myself. And I do. 

Kitties are not fond of Mans in their house, and so I had plenty of help in the sewing room. I had to run a couple of errands in town early, and window washer man was hard at work by the time I got home. I wasted no time heading ...

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Lots of Sewing from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. I can see clearly now because I have clean windows. With window washer man here yesterday, I spent most of my day in the windowless sewing room staying out of his way. It's an excellent strategy, if I do say so myself. And I do. 

Kitties are not fond of Mans in their house, and so I had plenty of help in the sewing room. I had to run a couple of errands in town early, and window washer man was hard at work by the time I got home. I wasted no time heading ...

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July 24, 2024
Starting to Finish from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a pretty day here at the Three Cats Ranch. Window washer man is coming today after rescheduling from last week. It'll be nice to have the windows clean so we can better see these pretty summer days. Of course, you can always view a pretty day without glass between yourself and the outdoors. My companion cats and I tried it out yesterday.

When I said there wasn't much going on in the garden in yesterday's post, I believe I might have offended the hydrangeas.

This one has both pink and purple ...

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Starting to Finish from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a pretty day here at the Three Cats Ranch. Window washer man is coming today after rescheduling from last week. It'll be nice to have the windows clean so we can better see these pretty summer days. Of course, you can always view a pretty day without glass between yourself and the outdoors. My companion cats and I tried it out yesterday.

When I said there wasn't much going on in the garden in yesterday's post, I believe I might have offended the hydrangeas.

This one has both pink and purple ...

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Cutting Loose from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It felt like a lazy day yesterday, although I accomplished plenty...including housework. So how bad can it be? I hadn't slept well the night before, and so I went back to bed after writing yesterday's post. When I woke up, I went outside with the kitties to fill the bird feeders. There isn't a lot going on in the garden right now, but the echinacea are picking up the slack.

The bees love them.

I was surprised to find a flower on the Star Magnolia. This is usually one of the first ...

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Cutting Loose from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It felt like a lazy day yesterday, although I accomplished plenty...including housework. So how bad can it be? I hadn't slept well the night before, and so I went back to bed after writing yesterday's post. When I woke up, I went outside with the kitties to fill the bird feeders. There isn't a lot going on in the garden right now, but the echinacea are picking up the slack.

The bees love them.

I was surprised to find a flower on the Star Magnolia. This is usually one of the first ...

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July 22, 2024
A Finish in Black and White from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a sit and stitch day yesterday. I was able to get all the way around my quilt binding, and I have a finished quilt to show you today. It was created from Moda's Catnip panel. The panel was a gift from my friend, Sharon, quite some time ago. I'm making a concerted effort to turn several different panels I've acquired into finished quilts, and this was among them. This is the Catnip quilt. It ends up at 67 x 67 inches. 

If I'm remembering correctly, I found a similar layout ...

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A Finish in Black and White from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a sit and stitch day yesterday. I was able to get all the way around my quilt binding, and I have a finished quilt to show you today. It was created from Moda's Catnip panel. The panel was a gift from my friend, Sharon, quite some time ago. I'm making a concerted effort to turn several different panels I've acquired into finished quilts, and this was among them. This is the Catnip quilt. It ends up at 67 x 67 inches. 

If I'm remembering correctly, I found a similar layout ...

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July 21, 2024
Taking it Easy from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Yesterday's activities kept me busy most of the day. Still, somehow, it felt relaxing. I spent some time on my slow-stitching. This piece is densely stitched. It's still going to be a couple of days before I can move my hoop to the next section. Here's what I have so far.

When I was finished with that, I took a walk on the treadmill, and then I got busy making our dinner for the day. It's nice to have dinner already made ahead, and then I can just sit and relax at ...

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Taking it Easy from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. Yesterday's activities kept me busy most of the day. Still, somehow, it felt relaxing. I spent some time on my slow-stitching. This piece is densely stitched. It's still going to be a couple of days before I can move my hoop to the next section. Here's what I have so far.

When I was finished with that, I took a walk on the treadmill, and then I got busy making our dinner for the day. It's nice to have dinner already made ahead, and then I can just sit and relax at ...

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July 20, 2024
Plenty of Slow from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a slow day yesterday, even though we accomplished plenty in the morning. We had some cardboard recycling to do first, and then we dropped a package in the mail. After that, we had our beloved Egg McMuffin and headed to the grocery store. We weren't happy about shopping on a Friday, but they give us four times fuel points on Fridays, and so we were brave. We pre-rewarded our efforts with the Egg McMuffin, and we were home before 11:00 a.m. 

The kitties were put out at having to wait for ...

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Plenty of Slow from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It was a slow day yesterday, even though we accomplished plenty in the morning. We had some cardboard recycling to do first, and then we dropped a package in the mail. After that, we had our beloved Egg McMuffin and headed to the grocery store. We weren't happy about shopping on a Friday, but they give us four times fuel points on Fridays, and so we were brave. We pre-rewarded our efforts with the Egg McMuffin, and we were home before 11:00 a.m. 

The kitties were put out at having to wait for ...

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July 19, 2024
Line By Line from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. My morning started too early today. I don't know about you, but I have this notion of a "witching hour," and if I wake up during that hour...any time after about 3:30 a.m....I can't get back to sleep. My brain seems to think I've slept long enough, and it winds up into full-blown thinking mode, making it difficult to relax and return to peaceful slumber. Usually, I give myself about an hour, and if I'm still awake, I might as well get up. The warm weather is part ...

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Line By Line from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. My morning started too early today. I don't know about you, but I have this notion of a "witching hour," and if I wake up during that hour...any time after about 3:30 a.m....I can't get back to sleep. My brain seems to think I've slept long enough, and it winds up into full-blown thinking mode, making it difficult to relax and return to peaceful slumber. Usually, I give myself about an hour, and if I'm still awake, I might as well get up. The warm weather is part ...

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July 17, 2024
Almost there! from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Well, my plan to try to get at least two blocks done per day is working.  Not many more to go now.  Just 16 full blocks ......

.... and 8 half blocks on both ends.

My sister and I went to the cottage a couple of weeks ago.  We saw autumn colours on the trees.  Say it isn't so!!!!  No, it was the setting sun casting a glow on the trees across the lake.  Whew.

Then, we saw something in the middle of the lake.  What in the world was it.  Was it a bird?  No, this thing was odd looking ...

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Going Straight from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a stay-at-home day for me. Our window washer guy was supposed to be here, but he had a family emergency. It seems to be a week for canceled appointments for family emergencies. It's really fine with me though. I'm needing a quiet day without visitors. It's not quite as bad as going out in public, but it does put a crimp in my routine. Scott, the window washer, has been washing our windows for around 35 years. He did the windows at our previous home, and now he keeps the windows ...

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Going Straight from Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends. It's a stay-at-home day for me. Our window washer guy was supposed to be here, but he had a family emergency. It seems to be a week for canceled appointments for family emergencies. It's really fine with me though. I'm needing a quiet day without visitors. It's not quite as bad as going out in public, but it does put a crimp in my routine. Scott, the window washer, has been washing our windows for around 35 years. He did the windows at our previous home, and now he keeps the windows ...

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July 14, 2024
Cheery Cherries from ... Cat Patches

Good morning, my friends! It was a busy kitchen morning yesterday. Before I went to work, I finished up the first of two blocks I'm making for The Story of My Day quilt. The first one is "Feed the Animals."

When I finished with that, I spent just a little bit of time on the second block. This one is "Wash, Preen, and Clean."

We mopped the kitchen floor, and then headed outside to pick cherries. And, yay! There are still cherries to pick. Only one of our trees produced cherries this year. As you might expect, the best ...

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