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March 28, 2023
Upstairs, Downstairs from From the Strawberry Patch...

With apologies to the British drama series of the same name, Mr. G and I haveĀ  been living a very "Upstairs, Downstairs" existence over the past three + months. For the most part I am in the sewing room during the day, or in the kitchen; while he's been sequestered in his basement-level woodworking shop. Unlike the series, he's not down there because he's servant or staff but rather because he's

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Upstairs, Downstairs from From the Strawberry Patch...

With apologies to the British drama series of the same name, Mr. G and I haveĀ  been living a very "Upstairs, Downstairs" existence over the past three + months. For the most part I am in the sewing room during the day, or in the kitchen; while he's been sequestered in his basement-level woodworking shop. Unlike the series, he's not down there because he's servant or staff but rather because he's

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  • cabinets
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