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August 9, 2021
Try a Tool Blog Hop and Giveaway/Μπλογκοεπίσκεψη με θέμα “Δοκίμασε ένα εργαλείο και προσφορά” from Mania for Quilts

I am so sorry for this happy blog post. I am sorry especially towards all Greeks, who suffer from these terrible wildfires happening in my country. But I have to post about it because it is part of my obligations as an Island Batik Ambassador.

Λυπάμαι πολύ που κάνω αυτή την χαρούμενη ανάρτηση. Κυρίως απέναντι στους Ελληνες φίλους που με διαβάζουν. Η χώρα καίγεται ακόμα συμπληρώνοντας σχεδόν μια εβδομάδα κι εγώ πρέπει να κάνω αυτή την ανάρτηση μια και είναι μέρος της υποχρέωσής μου προς την εταιρεία Island Batik, της οποίας είμαι Πρέσβειρα.

I am copying from Island Batik blog ...

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Try a Tool Blog Hop and Giveaway/Μπλογκοεπίσκεψη με θέμα “Δοκίμασε ένα εργαλείο και προσφορά” from Mania for quilts

I am so sorry for this happy blog post. I am sorry especially towards all Greeks, who suffer from these terrible wildfires happening in my country. But I have to post about it because it is part of my obligations as an Island Batik Ambassador.

Λυπάμαι πολύ που κάνω αυτή την χαρούμενη ανάρτηση. Κυρίως απέναντι στους Ελληνες φίλους που με διαβάζουν. Η χώρα καίγεται ακόμα συμπληρώνοντας σχεδόν μια εβδομάδα κι εγώ πρέπει να κάνω αυτή την ανάρτηση μια και είναι μέρος της υποχρέωσής μου προς την εταιρεία Island Batik, της οποίας είμαι Πρέσβειρα.

I am copying from Island Batik blog ...

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January 23, 2020
Island Batik Ambassador for the 3rd year and unboxing / 3η χρονιά Πρέσβειρα και άνοιγμα κουτιού from Mania for quilts

Two years ago started everything. I could not believe in the email I received then. I felt the same happiness this year too, that the number of the group got smaller but I remained in it. I adore Island batik fabrics! I adore the monthly challenges. Ok, to tell you the truth, some times deadlines torture me. Some other times I do not like the challenge. However, I keep going and learning and becoming better. I am learning by the challenges, by my fellow-Ambassadors, by the whole process. And here I am, Ambassador for the 3rd time for my favorite ...

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Island Batik Ambassador for the 3rd year and unboxing / 3η χρονιά Πρέσβειρα και άνοιγμα κουτιού from Mania for Quilts

Two years ago started everything. I could not believe in the email I received then. I felt the same happiness this year too, that the number of the group got smaller but I remained in it. I adore Island batik fabrics! I adore the monthly challenges. Ok, to tell you the truth, some times deadlines torture me. Some other times I do not like the challenge. However, I keep going and learning and becoming better. I am learning by the challenges, by my fellow-Ambassadors, by the whole process. And here I am, Ambassador for the 3rd time for my favorite ...

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  • aurifilthreads
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