Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 4, 2025
UFO’s and Other Stuff from Quarter-Inch Capers

The weather has been warmer, and it made my soccer watching much more pleasant. Our girls lost again, but they did play much better. 

We had a good turnout for the game. I also had lunch with Roger last week. 

He’s eating carrots. LOL. They were having book fair on the same day, and I offered to buy him some books, but he decided he didn’t have need any at this time. I think he was anxious to get to the playground. 

This is the picture from last year:

And here is Kathryn 12 years ago at the ...

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January 27, 2025
9-Patchtastic and Other Diversions from From the Strawberry Patch...

Back in "the day" (2012) Moda Fabrics hosted a "Bakeshop" Blog that included wonderful, free to download, patterns each week. One of my favorites was a pattern that utilized Layer Cakes, those stacks of 40+ ten inch square pieces comprising an entire fabric line, it was called 9-Patchtastic. I pieced this one at that time; here it is pictured on the quilting frame last week, it had hung as a

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9-Patchtastic and Other Diversions from From the Strawberry Patch...

Back in "the day" (2012) Moda Fabrics hosted a "Bakeshop" Blog that included wonderful, free to download, patterns each week. One of my favorites was a pattern that utilized Layer Cakes, those stacks of 40+ ten inch square pieces comprising an entire fabric line, it was called 9-Patchtastic. I pieced this one at that time; here it is pictured on the quilting frame last week, it had hung as a

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December 28, 2024
What's In The Box ~ Part 4 from Podunk Pretties

 Hi Friends!  Today we'll be taking a look at two projects from the UFO box.  One embroidery project and one applique block of the month project.

Let's start off with the embroidery project started back in 2014. It took some digging to find information on my blog for this project.  Here's the link to the one blog post found.

All of these embroidery patterns were found on Pinterest and were free to use.

My handwork is not the best but it's also not the worst.

Here's a closeup.  So many french knots!  

Of all the ...

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September 2, 2024
Made It Back Home from Quilting My Way

Yesterday we went to a tracker show/tracker parade/knife and gun show.

Loved seeing this! We stopped and visited with dad since he was selling knives at the show. He had them overpriced and can understand why he hasn't been able to sell them. No one can tell him otherwise,  too stubborn. 

Today we were on the plane at 11 am central time. We made it to Minneapolis around 2pm. We weren't leaving there till 6:45 pm. So, I got a salad at Chilli's and Patrick had a bad day. Took awhile for him to ...

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May 8, 2024
One Stitch At A Time from From the Strawberry Patch...

During my bone-mending "sabbatical" from this blog I have been stitching away. Smaller, close to my body movements such as cross-stitch and piecing didn't over-reach my capabilities. I HAD to do something other than sitting still and reading! This Blackbird Designs sampler spoke to me. I'm drawn to "bee" patterns especially, maybe because my first name is actually Hebrew for bee. This

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One Stitch At A Time from From the Strawberry Patch...

During my bone-mending "sabbatical" from this blog I have been stitching away. Smaller, close to my body movements such as cross-stitch and piecing didn't over-reach my capabilities. I HAD to do something other than sitting still and reading! This Blackbird Designs sampler spoke to me. I'm drawn to "bee" patterns especially, maybe because my first name is actually Hebrew for bee. This

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December 28, 2023
On the design wall... from ~ CowgirlQuilter ~

I got half of the shirt blocks up on the design wall.

I'm sure I will move some around before I start sewing them together.  In the end it will be 84x96.  Do you think it needs a sashing or just like this?  I have a million men's shirts!  I really need to put them to good use.  I think I have 3 large totes full.  A little thrift store in town has all you can fit in a trash bag for $6.  I usually get all that I can find that are good quality which is around ...

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December 27, 2023
Men's Shirts and UFO's... from ~ CowgirlQuilter ~

We had a wonderful Christmas with the family.  All 4 of the grandkids were here.  We are very Blessed.

I decided to work on a few more UFO's before starting something new.  I figure I will keep doing this until I get tired of them again.  :)  The first UFO that I worked on was this...

I had some of these blocks finished.  My original plan was to make a larger quilt with these but at this point I've decided to turn it into a baby quilt.  I think I figured up that I needed 16 more blocks to ...

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September 9, 2023
Which UFO? from Applique 'n Patch Quilting

Oh decisions, decisions ..... which UFO should I pull off the shelf to work on?

Why one ..... why not two?

OK .... so what is my reasoning for two?

One to work on at home using my sewing machine and a handwork project to take along to work on away from home.

This one will be worked on at home.  It was started at a workshop back in 2012 and promptly shelved.  I did finish another one from a second workshop at the same time .... so, why is this one still lingering?  I hate doing log cabin blocks.  During the workshop, the ...

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August 5, 2023
UFO Progress, Yellow Blocks, Sunflowers and Burnt Cape Ecological Reserve, Nfld. from The Cozy Quilter

 Christine and I got together this week for a few hours to sew and chat.  Christine cut out squares for a disappearing nine patch baby quilt and I finished sewing my Overlapping Tiles quilt top.   I have not trimmed it yet--I may even do that after it is quilted to avoid all those bias edges as I quilt. The backing fabric is ready--it is the turquoise with the pink flowers that is the constant in the quilt top.  My husband held the top for me to take a picture --it was a bit breezy!

I bought myself a Half Rectangle ...

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August 3, 2023
August UFO's from Quarter-Inch Capers

The July UFO still needs the binding stitched down....slowly, but surely, I am making progress on that one. In the meantime, the number for August has been drawn, and it is 12.

I have one list for quilting unquilted tops, and one list for piecing (tops started and not finished). Number 12 for quilting is Bohemia. I had to go look on the UFO shelf and try to remember which one is Bohemia. I found it:
It's been on the shelf for a few years--I'll have to steam it to get all the wrinkles out of it ...

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July 7, 2023
Trying To Finish My Embroidery from Quilting My Way

 This morning we were up at 6:30 am and out the door by 7:15 am. Patrick's MRI and CAT scan was early. I took my "Ruth's Farwell" piece with me to work on. 

I started to do the flowers that I was having trouble with. I did 3 of them and wasn't happy with them. 

They are the ones in the bottom center. When we got back home I showed Patrick and said I wasn't happy with them. He reminded me that flowers are different and not all are the same. Plus they looked ...

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May 22, 2023
Spending The Afternoon Stitching from Quilting My Way

This morning I was itching to clean. So, I started cleaning things up. Got tired of looking at my piles. lol I even cleaned up my end table. lol 

Once that was done, I listened to my audio books. After awhile of playing games I decided I needed to do something. I wanted to go down and work on another quilt but realized I'm getting a ton of fabric from someone who's cleaning out their stuff. Since it's a LOT, I decided to wait till it arrives and I can look at the material out of there ...

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May 3, 2023
May UFO's from Quarter-Inch Capers

The May number for the American Patchwork and Quilting UFO challenge was drawn over the weekend.

I'm confused--or maybe I was confused last month. Number 8 on my quilting list is the Flutterby quilt, and I did that one last month.

Here is the quilt; binding and all:

April should have been number 4 which was the Hanging Gardens quilt. No worries, I'll do that one for May. I was a little undecided on a backing, but I have a few weeks to think it over and come up with something.

My number 8 for piecing is a ...

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April 16, 2023
A Few Finishes from Quarter-Inch Capers

I finished the customer quilt I was working on, and it got picked up yesterday.

The lady made it from her son’s Air Force uniforms and some extra yardage, so it’s a type of memory quilt. It looks to be the Cheaper by the Dozen pattern, and she also made four pillow sham tops which I quilted but forgot to photograph. The back is a world atlas sort of print.
I think it is totally appropriate for the top. The quilting pattern is Stars Allover.

My April UFO is quilted and bound, so I can check that off ...

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April 11, 2023
Not A Normal Monday from Quilting My Way

We didn't have our BE meeting today. So, I tried to sleep in - but didn't. Patrick did though. 

I started laundry and it didn't go very far. Think I got 2 loads done all day today. We pretty much watched TV most of the day. I did get my monthly beads today. I love the colors this time. 

I have some of them and will add them to what I have. The others I will work on getting them in my boxes. I will do that later on. 

Then I worked on my binding. 

I finished it ...

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April 9, 2023
Not Doing Much - But Doing Something! from Quilting My Way

Today we were sleeping in. I woke around 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep till 6 am. UGH. 

Got up and put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Then played a few games. I made a cream cheese frosting that turned out really good. Even Patrick liked it and he doesn't care for cream cheese frostings. I thought the cinnamon was too strong. Love making them though. 

Then we went to the Mario Movie today. I really enjoyed it. It was fun to see the different games of Mario combined in this movie. Then stopped at ...

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April 7, 2023
April UFO from Quarter-Inch Capers

The April number was 4 for the American Patchwork and Quilting UFO challenge.

My number 4 for quilting is the Flutterby quilt.
It does have borders on it, but I can’t find a more recent picture. It was one of the shop hop quilt kits from 2022, so it’s time to get it done.

The piecing goal I have for April is the Curvy Log Cabin.
I took the blocks out and counted them, and it seems I am a block short. I will need to make another before I can join them together.
I have plenty of ...

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Presentation Day from Quilting My Way

 Today I was up early compared to what I normally am. I was ready to head out to the presentation. I stopped and got a burger and some tea. I got coffee for Debbie and of course it was the wrong thing AGAIN. She took it back to let them know they gave her the wrong stuff. I even read it off my phone to make sure she got what she wanted. 

We had 6 veterans. One was late. 

Andy Ponder (right), Army, Not sure on the rest -  Ron Lavergne, Navy, Kim Johnson, Air Force, William Morgan, Navy Clarence Matayoshi ...

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