Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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October 6, 2023
OUCH -- that hurts! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The good news about the blister is it only required one drain, and now it's going into a callus, which will take some time to fall off, but at least the pain is gone, not that it prevented me from walking. Not much would keep me from walking! I managed to get some extra miles in yesterday, so that was good, but I still need to catch up on my virtual challenge. Now that I have some breathing room in my schedule, I am confident I'll get back on track. 

However, I must be careful what I wear ...

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October 1, 2023
Thrift store finds from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Wow -- back in the saddle this morning. I have two presentations to prepare; of course, nothing was done last night! 

But there is good news - my two sample suitcases were sitting in the hall waiting to be unpacked. I was missing some samples, and the store where I was sure they had disappeared had checked and could not find them. I could not find them in my suitcases. Guess what? When I unpacked -- there they were! How that happened, I've no idea. I need to pack my suitcases in the future to know where everything is. 

Shoot -- I thought ...

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September 22, 2023
It's all about STATUS! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I must be quick this morning as I have to be on the road early to get to my destination and my event on time. I could have gone last night, but no need. I'm off to Stitcharie (Petrolia) for applique and quilting today. So, if you're in the area -- they may still have room, but it will be tight! I'm at Thimble Quilts and Sewing Company in Lasalle (near Windsor) for some embroidery events tomorrow. 

The blog will be short and sweet this morning. 

The first line of business was to get on a chat call ...

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July 22, 2023
Weeding the garden - wait wrong garden! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

If I've done everything correctly, the classes are up! Just look at the tabs across the top of the blog, and you'll see one at the end called CLASSES. Click that link, and the page should pop up. If it doesn't, I'm sure someone will alert me. 

The only action you could possibly take at this point is to order the one pattern, which you should do if you are going to sign up for that class. But PLEASE DO NOT contact the stores to get dates and sign up. They are NOT ready. I listed ...

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July 21, 2023
The end of the rainbow from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The good news is that I will announce all the NEW classes/clubs I'll be running in the fall. I will try putting them on ONE page so you can print them out. That's a job for later today, and if that fails, I'll make a separate blog post so it's all in one spot! Feels good to get that done! Watch for that tomorrow!!!!

I think I should throw in a free class on how to take pictures with your cell phone! Do people realize that we are no longer buying/leasing cell phones but ...

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July 19, 2023
Solar Flares! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm going to blame it entirely on solar flares! Apparently, there was a large one yesterday. Not only did the keyboard crap out, but other things also happened. 

I did some testing on the keyboard later in the day, and well -- it's a mystery to be sure. Somehow some of the keys have gone wonky - when I type an "r," I get "6r". When I type "f," I get "5f." Typing a V brings up the help. I think there are eight keys affected, but one can't type with craziness like that. 

And when I look at ...

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July 16, 2023
The old is as good as the new from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my -- another day passed, and I didn't finish any writing! Sometimes at the end of the day, I think back and wonder what the heck I did! 

But we had two Zoom classes with some amazing show and tell - I'll try to get that posted this week, as the finished quilts are super cute! The show and tell is the best part of the entire class, and it's sometimes hard to believe that people were working from the same pattern!

I swear that our neighborhood is becoming overrun with rentals! While I'm sure the majority ...

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June 24, 2023
I "won" the lottery! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There's been a considerable debate going on since the pandemic. Do we want to return to work in an office, or are we happy to stay home? I get a chuckle out of all the people who were upset because they couldn't go into the office during the pandemic. They were going crazy looking at the same walls all day and craved the day they could go in. Now that many of them have the freedom to go in, they don't want to, citing additional costs and time. 

It's funny how people change their minds when ...

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June 23, 2023
Neighborhood table from The Academic Quilter

 Hi everyone! How was your week? Mine was a doozy, and I will tell you all about it at the end of this post. We have to get to the quilty stuff first, right? Today I'm showing the rest of the placemats I made for the Rainbow Neighbourhood quilt along at mmmquilts. Most people made an actual quilt, but these houses just screamed 'fun placemats!' to me, so that's what I made. Here is the whole set of six:

It has been raining for the past couple of days (hurray!), so the pictures are a little washed out ...

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May 15, 2023
Spell check!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Where is the time going? It seems like it was January 1, not so long ago, and now it's May 15. 

And where did the warm weather go? I started out in shorts and had to change to long pants as it was cool. 

We had two great presentations in the morning, and while I love all the classes, I love the machine embroidery and software one. So many creative ideas, and people are using their machines and software in so many creative ways. Well, that goes for the digital cutters as well. 

But I had created this large ...

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May 14, 2023
Happy Mother's Day from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Gosh -- I totally forgot it was Mother's Day; thankfully, I got a text from Spain to remind me. 

DH is still away and wished me a good day and hoped the girls would bring me something nice. Nice? I don't want anything but peace and quiet. And we all know that's not going to happen. 

Murphy is PERSISTENT with that ball of hers. I throw it, but it's never enough. I try to hide it, but she barks. And then this happened. 

MOM -- I needed a bath

She dropped the ...

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May 13, 2023
Jen Kingwell quilt update! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH, NO --- should I buy Murphy a special bed to keep her out of the flowers! I see them at PetSmart, and well, I don't know about her and an outdoor dog bed! It might be something, but I bet she'll be back in the leaves before I know it! I'll ask her what she thinks!

OMG --- I just checked, and you can buy FOLDING dog beds for outdoors. I better keep her away from the computer, or who knows what she will want. Maybe she wants one with a canopy? 

Meanwhile, on hot days, there is ...

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May 10, 2023
I've got MAIL! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It comforts me that I'm not alone in daily life's "time-wasting" minutiae. It appears we all need a "wife" to do all the follow-up for us. Can you imagine how freeing that would be? I would love it - so if I ever won the lottery, I'd hire an assistant! 

Life got back to normal yesterday - as normal as it can be around here. The girls are not behaving normally - Murphy is so needy, and Lexi is being Lexi. I think they are out of sorts with DH being away, and they better get used to it because ...

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April 23, 2023
I can see clearly now! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The days seem to be blurring into each other. A new day - two new presentations and a new quilt to quilt! The push on the quilts is only because I took some time to enjoy last week's beautiful weather, so I don't mind. It's cool outside these days -- too cool to sit out, but perfect for walking. I'm down to 25 KM to walk in two days to finish my Virtual Challenge. A piece of cake, but I've never been this close before! However, considering that I've walked almost 1,100 KM in 84 ...

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April 21, 2023
Setting the table from The Academic Quilter

 Hello everyone! Is anyone else scratching out their eyes from all the pollen? I look like I've been crying for days. Several days this week, when I left work, my car had turned green because it was just covered in pollen dust. Then it became a very amusing game of "how do I get into the car without actually touching the car?" Spoiler alert: I lost that game.

This was a busy week, and I am behind on everything in my life, but I did manage to at least start a project that includes two small finishes this week ...

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April 3, 2023
The final countdown from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The final countdown. In a little over 24 hours, I'll be on my way to the airport. Will the second deadline be finished? I have no choice, as it ALL has to be done, as it's not something I can fluff my way through. 

I'm happy to report that EXCELLENT progress was made yesterday. There is NO audiobook happening, no radio, nothing but silence, and you know what? I LOVE it! I've got time to think, to reflect, my brain is relaxed, there is no rush, and so far - no panic! Everything is going as planned ...

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