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March 31, 2023
Be flexible!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It's my final morning in Montreal - at least for this trip, and I have to say that I'm looking forward to going home! I love going away, but the day I go home is always the best! I have two lectures to present today and then an evening flight. 

I see I got an e-mail regarding the weather and my flight. Snow flurries later today, but hopefully, all will be fine, as I would very much like to get home tonight, as I have a full day planned for tomorrow. If I don't, well, I'll figure ...

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March 30, 2023
Adventure Lab adventures! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH --- what a slug this morning. Thankfully, new beds do not bother me, so I've been sleeping well. However, I had noisy neighbors last night, and then during the night, the temperature dropped, and the wind picked up considerably. I could hear it howling all night and creaking the window and walls. As a result, when the alarm went off, I decided I would not walk in that weather - I would for the girls, but not me. I lazed in bed for quite a while before I got up!

The final day of meetings is over, and all went ...

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March 29, 2023
Geocaching in the mud! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was Day Two in Monreal, and all went well yesterday. My French must be used more, especially in the sewing environment, to become proficient with all those terms, and I MUST make more effort to make that happen. 

Someone posted this on Facebook and forwarded it to me, and I thought it was hilarious. 

I know that I say this all the time, and I don't like that I say it. I'd like to be busy all the time, but NOT stupid busy. Now, how the heck am I going to do that? Can I be better ...

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March 28, 2023
Travel to Montreal from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yesterday was a travel day, as I'm now in Montreal. I worked on my presentations in the morning, finished packing, and was off. The girls weren't too happy, but they currently have a dog sitter, so they will have many privileges they wouldn't usually have. They won't miss either of us a bit! Lexi was quite comfortable lying on the couch! 

It was not a good day as I lost my glasses! UGH, and I have no one to blame but myself. I barely wear those glasses, so I should have safely tucked them in my ...

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October 19, 2022
You'll get a charge! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 A travel day -- always my favorite day of any trip. Well, only when things go well, and yesterday was a great travel day. 

My flight was at 10 AM, so I left the house at 8:30 AM and was at the airport by 9. You have to love Uber and HOV lanes, which make it super easy to get there even in rush hour. Since I was already checked in and had only carry-on luggage, I zipped to security. There were no lines, but I still went through the NEXUS line. 

The biggest challenge was a couple who seemed ...

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April 28, 2022
The LONG way home from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Travel is always such"fun!" So many people think it's glamourous to travel, but it's not. Perhaps if you travel for pleasure, there's a bit more fun in it, but I don't think it's fun to be shuffled around in cars, planes, and trains with your possessions in a bag or bags. However, I won't say no if I have the chance. And I wouldn't say NO to a trip to Montreal. 

Once I'm done with my task, I want to get home. So we finished the sessions around 4 PM, and ...

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April 27, 2022
Out of the Box Show and Tell from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'll share my french stories with you tomorrow! But what fun to be back in the swing of two languages. I loved that when I lived here years ago and I still love it now. I really think it would serve me well to return to Montreal to live. It's one of my favorite cities in Canada. Isn't that crazy? The English farm girl from out west? 

Cycling is better here, languages are more fun, well --- I'll think about it. I doubt DH would be too crazy since he knows not a single word of French ...

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April 26, 2022
Bonjour! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Well, it's a new day, and I'm in a different city!

Speaking of those flight paths over my house, I was on a plane, and we flew over my house, but there was too much cloud cover, so I couldn't see a thing!

Parts of the runways are blocked off, and it's difficult to see what is being done. The flight was short, and this is where I landed!


Air travel always amazes me. A few hours (more or less) and you're in a completely different part of the country or the world. You ...

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