Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

January 19, 2024
Health wake-up call! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

NOOOOOO!!! I don't want to admit that maybe one of those little pill containers will be good for me. I know this is totally crazy, but I'm not good with taking pills since I haven't really needed to take any. However, I always remember that gummy, multi-vitamin every day! Before I resort to the weekly pill container, I will keep the Vitamin D beside the gummies. And I'll also keep the other pill bottle there, with a big label on it - Sunday! If that doesn't work, I may have to resort to the pill container ...

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January 18, 2024
Dealing with the cold from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I had a productive day yesterday, but I didn't get as much done as I needed. I've been getting loads of sleep these days, but after dinner, I - well, I went to sleep in my comfy chair, and several hours later, I woke up and went to bed! I call it the hibernation factor. It's cold outside, and we want to sleep away the cold! 

I also went to spin class in the morning, and I'm always more tired on those days. But all is good, and I had a great sleep. Hmmm --- could drinking lots ...

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January 17, 2024
An almost clean bill of health from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There are days when I feel it's Groundhog Day - the movie! Except I don't have to repeat it because I didn't get it right the first time -- it's just the routine that I'm in. And not every morning is the same since I'm off to spin class this morning, which has a different routine than if I weren't going to spin class. 

I accomplished stuff yesterday! The writing went well, and I'm onto the next project, so that's a bonus. It should be a fun day as I have some samples ...

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January 16, 2024
Feeling out of control from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

NO --- I do not feel out of control today, but have you ever experienced that? You have no control over your life. Things are just piling up, and you're not happy? People driving you made? Deadlines looming? OK -- so I often feel out of control. Do you know what makes it all go away? 

By DOING! How many times have we agonized over doing something? The deadline looms closer, and we're still feeling out of control. Have you ever noticed that writing a list of the steps, starting the project, or at least getting organized will immediately calm ...

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January 15, 2024
Happiness is decluttering - 10 years strong! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Sadly, I didn't get to the Oakville fiber show, but that's OK. It's a lesson to learn that I must plan my life a bit better. I did have a date planned back in November, but that got sidetracked, and I SHOULD have rescheduled a date in December. So, while I'm sad I couldn't make it, learn from my mistakes and don't do it again!

It seemed like I was busy the entire day, and do I have anything to show for it? Not much -- it was one of those days where I tried ...

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January 14, 2024
How much storage does one person need? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

You WILL not believe the email that I got yesterday! I couldn't help but laugh. Just when I thought I was on top of things. 

My Google One storage is almost full!

So here's the thing --- I have Microsoft Office on my computer. And they are desperately trying to get me to move to their web landing page -- Edge or something like that. But I'm a Google person, and so I like the Google landing page. And I have STORAGE with Google, and that's the one that is now showing 91% full!

Oh - I see that ...

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January 9, 2024
Snowballs! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh dear --- the quilt history story is NOT happening again this morning. A bit pressed for time, and I want to do some more research, so we'll have to hand tight on that one. 

I think I will have to shop for a pair of jeans. I knew the thigh part was going to start to have holes, and I saw the first one poking its head out. YES -- I know having holes in your jeans is fashionable, but I'm OK with no holes. But that means a shopping trip, which is not one of my favorite things ...

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January 4, 2024
Company!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The e-mail recreation continues. The only people I have yet to contact are those in the UFO groups and the Heartfelt Sampler. But if you were interested in anything else (Many Blocks, Out of the Box, Machine Embroidery, Digital Cutter), you should have received an e-mail from me. If you have NOT, send me a note, and I'll add you to the appropriate list. 

Then, once that is organized, I can delete the rest of the class e-mails for 2023. That's going to free up a whole lot of space! 

Based on some of the advice I've ...

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January 3, 2024
Demolition time from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh my -- we got out the hammers and crowbars yesterday, and this is what happened. 

We demolished the Exit Game Advent Calendar

The EXIT Game Advent Calendar is no more! We were searching for the answer to the final puzzle. I swear I knew where it was, which involved removing the game's " liner " from the outer box. OH -- all I saw were some tags you could cut and use for Christmas gifts. That wasn't it. 

Back to square one. That's what I love about this game- you think you're on the right track, yet you are ...

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January 2, 2024
The gold thread returns from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's back to business! I'm happy to report that my system of recreating the distribution lists worked! It's still time-consuming, but my process made it relatively pain-free, and two more lists were recreated yesterday. One of the steps is done for six more lists, and hopefully, they will get done this morning. That will leave one more to recreate tomorrow. 

Let's say that the "incident" was a good eye-opener. I sure seem to have my share, but then I'm willing to let "bad" things happen and learn from them. Things change and life is much ...

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December 29, 2023
On writing a quilt book from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I don't know about you, but all this decluttering and keeping things up to date is EXHAUSTING. I literally fall into bed shortly after dinner. I'm trying not to, but I'm tired! And that's a good thing - I'd rather go to bed tired than lie there unable to sleep. 

I'm not a messy person by nature. I used to be super neat and tidy until M came along, and then my brain went to mush. This "new" philosophy of tidying and cleaning started well over ten years ago, but getting back on track is ...

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December 28, 2023
And now for selling the car from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- how hard can it be to sell a car? There are several platforms, such as Kijiji and Autotrader. To sell a car, you need some paperwork from the Provincial Government, which I got. Then, I took pictures of my car and listed it on Kijiji. I should have researched the price more, as I listed it a bit higher than I should have, but no worries -- I can negotiate. 

It was suggested on the Kijiji website that I get a VIN report indicating that the car had not been in any accidents, etc. I chose not to get it ...

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December 25, 2023
Merry Christmas and two steps back! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Thanks to all of you for supporting me in so many ways this past year (OK -- that's something I should say on New Year's Day), but I appreciate all the comments and feedback and know that many of you read the blog over morning coffee! No pressure on me to face an empty computer screen every morning and drum up something! I LOVE it! 

I hope that your day is whatever you want it to be. Our day has always been quiet - no big families or groups of friends to celebrate with. And there ...

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December 20, 2023
The light show! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was a very productive day. It was one of those days that fit me to a T. Minimal planning for the day had been done, but yet, it was like the stars were aligned, and EVERYTHING And EVERYONE we wanted to see or do got done! I was mentally exhausted at the end of the day, but so much progress was made. 

And everywhere you go, you meet people! That's the beauty (or not) of living in a small town. It doesn't matter where you go - you meet people! So, all around, it was a great day ...

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December 16, 2023
Decluttering from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's "comforting" to know I'm not the only one hiding junk in boxes and bags! Good luck to everyone who is sorting and decluttering. It's TIME to open those boxes and bags and deal with them!

I will put that statement here again: The things you value are only valuable while you are alive. When you are gone, no one will give the same value to the items. So - if the item is valuable to you while you are alive, you should be USING it! 

If the item is no longer of value to you, perhaps someone ...

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December 15, 2023
Running on empty! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

That title does NOT refer to me -- I'm doing a good job of drinking my water (although not nearly enough), eating (too much), and last night, I had a good stretch session before bed (probably not long enough), and you know what? I slept like a log! Which is good because the night before was a disaster. 

In case you were wondering, I picked up the new car about three weeks ago. I hate to say that so much is happening that it was almost a non-event. I don't have time to tell you the entire story this ...

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December 10, 2023
A LIGHTBULB moment from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I was in a bit of a huff yesterday, not because anything significant happened. OK -- DH did NOT solve the EXIT Game puzzle before he went to bed. So we attempted it again in the morning, and we were stumped. I had to check the first clue, and OMG. You have to be kidding me. We missed something so blatantly apparent that it put me in a funk for part of the day! 

So last night, when we opened the next room, it was with great trepidation. And we fiddled, and we fiddled, and we chatted about it. And we ...

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December 6, 2023
I will NOT go to the thrift store! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I spent the entire morning in front of the computer. My entire morning consisted of about 2 hours as I had to have lunch early because of a dentist appointment at Noon. In those two hours, I cranked out a lot of e-mails, but I'm behind, and I still have homework to send out. Well, it's incredible how much time all those little details take. 

I'll just keep plugging away at it, and as the classes are coming to a close for this year, hopefully, those follow-ups will get less and less, but then I have to ...

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December 3, 2023
What do I do with my free time? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Phew -- both of the Zoom classes went off like clockwork! I knew the applique class would be fine. I swear - they have been inundated with so much information about applique, and in the words of one student - "I never knew there was so much about applique!" And yesterday, we only touched on different stitches and machine functions to make the job easier - and that was just for fused applique. 

I've been doing this for 25 years, and I've made oodles of samples in my time, and I NEVER threw any of them out. Now, there are NOT tons ...

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December 2, 2023
It's all about the logic from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a headache yesterday, which is extremely RARE for me - thank goodness. I hear stories from people who have migraines and headaches every day - I'd go mad! Thankfully, it wasn't a terrible headache, so I could still "function." Or so I thought. 

I was attempting to prepare for my paper-piecing class this morning and listening to an audiobook. As I said - it was a mild headache. Well, I think I made every paper-piecing mistake in the book! I stitched on the wrong lines, placed the fabrics incorrectly, and sewed the wrong fabric in place - so, needless to ...

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