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August 16, 2020
“We need to talk.” from Quilt in Piece

Homily based on Matthew 15: 21-28 “We need to talk.” These four words are a call to attention and have the potential to immediately strike fear in the ears of the listener. It is the classic introduction to a break-up conversation, or bad news is going to be delivered. It indicates that something big is happening and a tough conversation is coming. A woman presents with an urgent plea, shouting for Jesus to help her daughter, and what follows is perhaps one of the toughest conversations recorded in our gospels. And it almost does not happen. The response from Jesus ...

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August 9, 2020
Stepping out in faith from Quilt in Piece

Happy Women’s day! Today I share with you my Rector’s sermon from this morning. Reflection During these uncertain times, in a boat rocked by stormy weather, waves crashing into the boat, and strong winds threatening to overturn and sink us, being soaked to the bone in the pouring rain, not one of us are comfortable. We are unsure of what is going to happen next, we are not sure which way to go, or to go anywhere at all. The Rector’s beautiful and powerful message says it all. May you find strength and endurance in God, and ...

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August 2, 2020
Wrestling with God, a reflection from Quilt in Piece

Today I share my Rector’s sermon with you, and a bit of reflection. The sermon today is titled “Wrestling with God” I have spent more sleepless nights wrestling with God, than I care to admit. Agonizing over problems and issues. And with impatience with God taking too long to answer prayers, or not making things happen. In a lot of ways like Jacob, I want to know now, what it is what God wants from me. Most of the time, I am 99% convinced what God wants from me, but then I remember all the obstacles in my way ...

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July 19, 2020
The Good Seed and the Bad Seed. from Quilt in Piece

Homily based on Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 The Good Seed and the Bad Seed. Homicide is the killing of a human being. Regicide is the killing of a king. Suicide is the killing of oneself. So why is herbicide not the killing of plants? The dictionary defines it as a weed killer, used to kill vegetation.  Today’s parable is about the temptation to commit herbicide, with one’s own hands. If you have ever farmed or planted a garden, you know that no matter how careful you are in preparing the soil and planting the seeds, weeds will grow ...

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June 14, 2020
Homily for Sunday 14 June 2020 from Quilt in Piece

Good morning! This morning I share my newest homily with you. Below is the Sound Cloud podcast if you would like to listen or you can read the text below the recording. May your day be blessed!Vanda A homily based on Matthew 9:35-10:23 The Dozen. Twelve is one of those rare numbers to which people have for centuries attributed special significance. We give a special name for twelve – a dozen. More interestingly for us, it is a very significant number in the Bible, used around 187 times. Think about the twelve Minor Prophets of the Old Testament ...

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May 17, 2020
Homily based on the Gospel of John 14:15-21 from Quilt in Piece

Jesus & the Comforter During this time of the Covid 19 crisis, there are a lot of people who feels lonely, discomfort and even possibly, let down by the circumstances we are in. This morning in our Gospel reading, we hear Jesus comforting his apostles – he has equipped them and now he must leave them, he feels their disquiet, uncertainty and he comforts them. Christ establishes his church to be “A Living, Loving Family.” And we ask you, are you a part of a living, loving family? Do you hear it as gift, something that Christ has graciously made us part ...

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March 19, 2020
Something new. from Quilt in Piece

Super nervous to record for the first time one of my homilies. But here it is. I have been preaching for 2 years now, but found myself camera shy for some or other reason. Be safe and healthy my friends. Vanda ChittendenRead More →

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