Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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September 16, 2024
I'm NOT hungry! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's so good to be home and know I can sleep in my bed for a week. Although the days will be long as I attend some work-related classes/meetings, I'm just an attendee, so nothing has to be prepared! 

I was up early yesterday—I didn't sleep well, and I was in a different time zone. I hadn't eaten well the day before, or should I say at the party. There was tons of nibble food, and it was good, but I just wasn't super hungry. I had eaten a large breakfast that morning ...

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September 15, 2024
The engagement party from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The blog will be a bit late today for those who use it for breakfast entertainment. It was a busy day, and hey—we all want to see the pictures of the reason we flew out here. 

First—yeah—to Air Canada. They have reached a tentative deal, and the strike is averted. I was all checked in—at the back of the plane—row 57! Yep—it's a big plane. But no worries about it being canceled. 

Should I start with the evening and work back to the morning? Heck no -- you have to read about my day ...

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April 2, 2024
The LONG WAY home from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I was WIDE AWAKE at 3:30 and waited patiently for my alarm to ring at 4:30, which it did, and then, well, I just had a good sleep, and now I'm behind! But that's OK. 

I didn't sleep well on the plane for some reason, but that's a story for another day. 

We had to be at the airport at 5 PM, so we had time for another adventure. We decided to drive on the west side of Maui. And we were of the mindset that we could drive entirely around that section, even ...

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April 1, 2024
The Road to Hana from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I lied—there is a post today. I have some time this morning before we have to vacate the condo, and well, I might as well write now!

First, here are a couple of comments about where we stayed. I HATE hotel rooms. Wait -- I'm OK if I'm alone, but if I had to share one room with DH, that would be bad. I get up early, and it's hard to be quiet in one room or to do anything with the lights off. But you have multiple rooms in a condo, so I vote for condos ...

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March 28, 2024
Misdirection from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the posts about the YOUNG quilt history, and I have more to share. However, I must tell you what's been happening in my life. I'm not home! In fact, while I'm in the US, I'm technically not on the continent!!

So where am I? I was "forced" to get out of the country and not tell a soul, not wanting to trust myself or anyone else. 

What happened was totally spontaneous, and I mean spontaneous. To clarify that a bit further, DH and I haven't been on a vacation together ...

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November 17, 2023
Is it art or junk? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Another day - another city! I'm in Sudbury now. The drive from North Bay to Sudbury was uneventful, and yesterday was a day to just hang out. 

I almost didn't have to scrap the windows on my car. Just missed the sun doing that job for me by a couple of feet. However, the weather here is stunning! I ran around all day without a jacket, and the sun was out for most of the day! And while they did have snow, as you can see a few remnants here and there, the weather gods were in my favor ...

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November 8, 2023
How to shop for fabric! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It feels like I'm on a treadmill, and it's speeding up with no chance of getting off! But there's no need to panic - everything is fine. Just a tad busy. This is temporary, as December will be pretty much dead. DO NOT LAUGH! How do people do this all the time? 

The second day of training went well, and I think everyone walked out of the room filled with excitement, a bit of trepidation to remember it all, and so much work ahead of them to make samples!

I had all these plans when I got home ...

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October 19, 2023
WOW - DESIGNER EPIC 3 is here!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's been a long time since I have missed a day of blogging. Even when traveling on the Camino, I always managed. However, there is a very good reason I missed, and it's called -- lack of time. 

I was fast asleep in my bed (two nights ago) when I was awoken at 11:30 PM. What awoke me? It was the sound of SAWING. Yes --- it sounded like someone was sawing something. What could they be sawing, and where were they? I've no idea. But it sounded like they were right next door to me. So, sawing ...

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September 28, 2023
Adventures in Vancouver from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my -- I almost forgot to blog this morning. I'm reading this LONG book and want to know how it ends, so I'm sneaking in any possible moments to finish it. It's over 1,000 pages on my phone, which is long, and I'm not sure it needs to be that long. I find it very confusing -- so many characters and so many details. I've no idea how the author was able to keep everything together. In case you're wondering, it's called Lethal White by Robert Galbraith. And yes -- I know that is ...

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September 18, 2023
Geocaching from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks, everyone, for your comments about the memories. Yes -- I agree; while there are MANY trip "blogs," I'm only going to take the one -- the school trip to Edmonton, as most of the others don't involve me and won't be of interest. And tons of literature can probably be tossed. I'll be repacking later today, and hopefully, I have enough room within the weight limits. It's not much, but the paper is heavy, and I can't be over 50 lbs, and my samples are a priority. So I keep the pages, toss the rest ...

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July 1, 2023
Digital sorting from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 AHA  - a helpful observation in the comments about my scrap quilts. I do not appear to be an "anything goes" scrap quilter! And for the most part, that is 100% true. I like to curate my colors, I don't mind mixing several colors together, but I've found that throwing all colors into one quilt can make it look - well, scrappy! But coordinating the colors makes it more cohesive. I guess it depends on which style you like. 

So -- I think I will sort by the scrap size I cut and then sub-sort by color -- or at least keep ...

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June 30, 2023
In the gazebo with a book! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's so good to be home! Yes -- I'm now home for at least three weeks -- can you believe that? I can barely believe it, and the even better news is that my commitments are much fewer this month, so it'll positively feel like a vacation! I'm going to be totally lost! 

OK -- that's a lie since I have some long-arm quilting to do, blog posts to write, articles to put together, plans for the fall quilts, and a lot more paperwork, but I won't have so much happening on the weekends. Yeah!

We all ...

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June 29, 2023
Scrap-a-palooza!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

AH -- you make me blush! But thanks for the comments about the scrap quilts, but I have to say that I'm HOOKED! That influencer - Linda!

Now here's the thing - I was NOT interested in precutting my scraps - not in the least. I had tried it in the past by cutting some fat quarters into strips and I was totally uninspired and I'll be handing that to Diane soon. But this? I now have a couple of patterns in mind and we had a chat last night and I now have a couple more. 

So are you anxious ...

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June 28, 2023
Slow and steady from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What a relaxing time we're having! It's so fun to be in a small group, so there is NO drama, no crisis, no over-talking, and well --- this is my favorite retreat! No need to name you -- you know who you are! We don't see each other often, so it's nice to catch up with family and mutual friends. 

Recently, we made desserts at the retreat optional, and so far, we've not had any dessert. Guess what? I do not miss it, and I feel better. So optional dessert is going to become the norm! 

I ...

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June 27, 2023
Cutting from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

WOW --- it feels great to be away in a very casual setting and have great friends to chat with! Yep -- I think I'm in quilting heaven, and that's OK. 

It took a while to get here as I had to wait for my 1:30 appointment for the ultrasound. And can you believe I was almost at the clinic when I realized I had left my wallet at home? And my health card was in my wallet, and so was my credit card to pay for parking. DUH!! I didn't have time to go back, so I ...

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June 26, 2023
Back in the saddle! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The weekend is over, and four lazy days of sewing are on the agenda for this week - I can hardly wait to get started! But it'll be a late start as I have my knee ultrasound at 1:30 PM. And that's OK -- it's a perfect excuse to be late for a sewing retreat! How long will it take to see someone to discuss the results? 

After the two Zooms yesterday, it was time for the Virtual Retreat, and I hadn't sewn for so long that I honestly didn't know where to start. 

But I ...

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June 24, 2023
I "won" the lottery! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There's been a considerable debate going on since the pandemic. Do we want to return to work in an office, or are we happy to stay home? I get a chuckle out of all the people who were upset because they couldn't go into the office during the pandemic. They were going crazy looking at the same walls all day and craved the day they could go in. Now that many of them have the freedom to go in, they don't want to, citing additional costs and time. 

It's funny how people change their minds when ...

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June 23, 2023
What goes up................ from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm home! I thought I might have to sleep at the airport last night, but I managed to get home. It was very late, and I'll nap later today. Wait for that story!

The day started with the daily geocache; although I knew there was an Adventure Lab at the airport, what if I forget? Someone has posted a geocache at many of the hotels in the area, and they are quick and easy to find. 

My geocache of the day

So all was good in that area, and I had to take the car to get breakfast ...

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June 22, 2023
Family time! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

While this hotel is functional and clean, I'm not sure I'd stay here again. Why? It's in the most bizarre location. It's situated in a highway loop, so getting to the hotel is a pain in the butt unless you're coming from the south or the west. But come from the north or the east, you must make U-turns. And it's the opposite when you want to leave. But it doesn't matter - I've survived, and after a few days, I'm getting to know my way around. 

The red dot is where ...

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June 21, 2023
HOT! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 As I was packing to leave, I had a pair of casual shorts in my hands. Should I take them? Should I leave them? I threw them in since they were small. OMG -- they were a godsend yesterday. I went for a short walk after breakfast to do a couple of geocaches and I had my jeans on. Let's say that I got back to the hotel and put those shorts on and thank goodness I did. 

It is HOT here! I knew it was hot, but once I arrived at the store to get ready, I didn't ...

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