Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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April 14, 2023
If Your Life Were A Quilt... from From the Strawberry Patch...

...what would it look like?  Think about that for a second. Would it be bright all over or would it contain dark areas? Would it have mistakes, inconsistent stitches, small rips and tears that may have been mended (or not), star points missing here and there or would it be perfect? Would each block be similar or would there be variety? What would your life-as-a-quilt reveal?  I recently attended

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If Your Life Were A Quilt... from From the Strawberry Patch...

...what would it look like?  Think about that for a second. Would it be bright all over or would it contain dark areas? Would it have mistakes, inconsistent stitches, small rips and tears that may have been mended (or not), star points missing here and there or would it be perfect? Would each block be similar or would there be variety? What would your life-as-a-quilt reveal?  I recently attended

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June 9, 2022
Fathers Day from Sew Preeti Quilts

This is my dad. 
My dad

Yes, I take after him :-) 

Daddy's Girl

He passed away in 1998 and I miss him everyday. The grief never really goes away. You try not to dwell upon it constantly. You eventually learn to think of happy memories when you think of them. 

One of my happy memories of my dad is when he would return from an out-of-town work trip.  In his shirt pocket, there would be a 5 Star candy bar .  As soon as we heard him or saw him at the door, we girls would run up to him ...

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December 9, 2021
Showing up For Work from Where Art & Life Meet

I’m not feeling great.  I should probably just end this post right here.  But, no, I’ll soldier on. Not because this post is important, it’s not, but because it represents all the things on my to do list and so much that is just life. No one needs to hear my laundry list of “woes”, […]

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December 2, 2021
Finishing a Project is Like a Tiny Death from Where Art & Life Meet

I’m just about finished with my big improvisational stitching piece that I’ve been working on for the last 7 months or so, and it’s bittersweet.  It always feels like a tiny death.  There’s sadness and a kind of grieving that happens.  Sometimes I just leave it up on my design wall and look at it […]

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November 30, 2021
Dreaming of My Mother from Where Art & Life Meet

Laughing with Mom – Photo by John Kelly “Have you dreamt about her?” This was a question a number of people asked after my mother died.  But I wasn’t.  I hadn’t.  In fact I couldn’t remember dreaming about anything or anyone, until this past week.  Maybe it was because it was the first Thanksgiving since she […]

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October 14, 2021
This Too Is Grief from Where Art & Life Meet

Stitch, put on the design wall, evaluate, consider, take down, add a new element, stitch, put back up on the design wall, take a photograph, consider, have an idea, take down, thread up a new color, take a chance, take a risk, take a breath, stitch and then the tears arrive.  Not a few drops […]

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October 5, 2021
Remembering My Mother and Stitching Anyway from Where Art & Life Meet

This blog is a reminder of my mother.  She was my biggest supporter and commented over the years more than anyone else. It was through this blog that I often kept in touch with her and towards the end it was the one full proof way I knew I could reach her, especially when my […]

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September 28, 2021
Controlling What You Can from Where Art & Life Meet

Today’s morning reading excerpt: “While you don’t control external events, you retain the ability to decide how you respond to those events. You control what every external event means to you personally.” The Daily Stoic When we returned from Africa, I had a livestream scheduled for the next day and a Zoom meeting that couldn’t […]

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September 23, 2021
Mourning & Gratitude from Where Art & Life Meet

Every now and then it hits me. She’s gone. I will never see her again. I will never hold her hand with those arthritic knuckles that made them resemble gnarled tree branches, misshapen and yet beautiful. I will never get another email from her containing silly videos or stories or photos and it is during […]

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January 5, 2021
Facing Adversity from Where Art & Life Meet

There are so many things going on that I cannot talk about publicly for a variety of reasons, but all of these things piled up can make life feel particularly challenging at this moment. The specifics are unimportant. Most people are grappling with things they cannot and do not talk about for personal reasons. What… Continue reading Facing Adversity

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