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February 4, 2025
To Do List for the week of 02/04/2025 from Life In Pieces

Starting paragraph

To Do List for 01/28/2025

1.  2025 SAHRR: Finish second border ✔
2.  2025 Guild BOM: Start March blocks 
3.  Marble Mystery: Finish making blocks 
4.  Old Town: Continue working on clues 
5.  Wild and Goosey: Continue making purple blocks 
6.  Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders 

It was a good week on the productivity front. Even if I'm not hitting major milestones with most of these projects, it's nice to see progress happening.  

So what's the plan for this week? Pretty much the same as last week and the week before ...

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February 3, 2025
A Bit of This and That from Life In Pieces

I wasn't ready for it to be February already.  We've already had a full weekend in this short month, so now it's almost over.  Well maybe not really, but it certainly feels that way.  It will certainly go fast that's for sure.  

The weather was nice this weekend, so I got out and enjoyed it.  So there wasn't as much time in my sewing room as typical. Still there was progress on a few things.  One of which is my version of Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs).  

There's a lot of purple in this ...

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January 4, 2025
PHD in 2025 from Life In Pieces

This year will be my seventh attempt to earn a PHD. Ms. P Designs USA is again hosting the 2025 PHD challenge.  The rules are simple, 1) finish twelve UFOs and 2)Finish all new starts (unless they are mysteries/BOMs that run into 2026).  I've never finished more than seven quilts in one year. I'm hoping that all the progress last year will help me finish 12 this year. Even if I don't get that far, if I can reduce the total number of UFOs this year I'll be happy.  

Last year's efforts reduced ...

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January 2, 2025
PHD in 2024: End of the Year Wrap Up from Life In Pieces

It's always an adjustment to move from the previous year to the new year.  Mostly it's a mind reset, but it did take me the better part of the morning to reset my quilting tracking spreadsheet for the new year.  That first meant making sure all of the quilty stuff that went on in 2024 was captured. With that all done, it made pulling all the information for my end of the year PHD report easier. 

The year ended with six finishes, six projects moved to finished quilt tops, progress on the rest of the UFOs on the ...

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December 4, 2024
November 2024 PHD Report from Life In Pieces

November was a quiet month, well except for Thanksgiving week. I got a lot done so there's a bit to report for the November PHD report at P Designs USA.  Though you won't see a lot of progress reflected on my PHD spreadsheet.  

No finishes in November, but one new start. But the Bonnie Hunter mystery has been on the list since the beginning.  Besides the clues won't end till the new year, so it's not one that has to be finished this year.  I'm hoping to have one more finish this month, so hopefully ...

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November 11, 2024
Ten Years in the Making from Life In Pieces

This time of year it seems the weeks just speed by.  We'll hit mid November by the weekend. I'm really not ready for the end of the year, which will be here before we know it.  So it's probably best to concentrate on the now and look at what's getting done.  

Chocolate Marshmallows (Seabreeze Quilts) became an assembled quilt top last Wednesday. 

The blocks were started in 2014. It only took me 10 years to figure out how to set them!  I'm happy with how it came together and now it goes into the "to ...

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November 6, 2024
October 2024 PHD Report from Life In Pieces

It's been a very weird autumn. October was cooler than September, but not by much.  My sewing room was my preferred location for most of the month. That means I have lots to blog about for the October PHD Report posted over at P Designs USA.  

One more finish in October brings my total to 5.  Not too shabby for me. I'm hoping for at least one more finish before the end of the year.  It won't be my best year ever for finishes, but definitely better than I've done the previous 3 years.  

Diatom (Dancing ...

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November 5, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 11/5/2024 from Life In Pieces

It's been nice to be home for a stretch.  I was able to get some chores done last week that really needed to get done.  It's easier to wander off to the sewing room if the house is at least reasonably in order.  The sewing room time has been paying off, there was good progress on last week's to do list. 

To Do List for 10/29/2024

1. String Lights: Package and mail out for quilting ✔

2. Chocolate Marshmallows: Continue assembly 

3. Wild and Goosey: Continue making blocks 

4. Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders ...

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November 4, 2024
A Bit of This and That from Life In Pieces

Have you adjusted to time change yet?  It's nice to have the sunlight in the morning, but it's not fun for it to be dark by the time My Guy gets home at night.  For some reason, it's harder for me to go back to the sewing room after dinner once the sun is down.  Not sure what is up with that, but that's been the case for a while.  I'll have to get myself going to the sewing room earlier in the afternoon for the next few months.    

Most of my focus this week ...

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October 29, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 10/29/2024 from Life In Pieces

It was so nice to be home all weekend. The sewing room got a bit of a clean up and I got my project boxes reorganized.  My to do list for the week was pretty short and simple. But some weeks you just need that.  

To Do List for 10/22/2024 

1. String Lights: Finish borders, cut and piece backing ✔

2. Chocolate Marshmallows: Start assembly 

3. Wild and Goosey: Continue making blocks 

4. Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders/enders 

So 4 out 4 this week. It's been awhile since I've been able to check off ...

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October 28, 2024
Following the Quilt Plan from Life In Pieces

The 2 year anniversary of my retirement was last Friday.  Has it really been that long?  I've enjoyed most of it, I've had some health challenges over that time that made me very glad I wasn't working.  But some days I do miss the fun technical stuff from the job, but most definitely don't miss the politics.  Looking back, last year really was about getting my back issues under control and just figuring out how to navigate not going to an outside job every day. This year has really been about navigating my sewing room.  I ...

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October 22, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 10/22/2024 from Life In Pieces

It's a long drive from College Station to home. I didn't get in till after 9 PM list night. That's late at my age.  Traffic is never fun, but all the road work made it so much worse.  It was worth it, Grad Girl, one of her friends, my sister and I all had a fun girl's weekend. I'll post about that separately.  On the progress front, I ended up not doing much that was on the to do list.  

To Do List for 10/15/2024

1.  String Lights: Finish added borders - progress

2 ...

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October 15, 2024
To Do List for the Week of 10/15/2024 from Life In Pieces

We've reached the mid point of October.  This month is certainly speeding along.  I'm not going to think about it for now and just appreciate how much progress there was on my to do list.

To Do List for 10/8/2024

1. String Lights: Make backing - changed direction 

2. Marble Mystery: Finish October clue ✔

3. Guild BOM: Finish October block ✔

4.  Chocolate Marshmallows: Start assembly - progress

5.  Squared Away: Decide on layout, pick setting fabrics - progress

6. Wild and Goosey: Finish orange blocks - progress

7. SS Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

Only three check ...

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October 8, 2024
To Do Tuesday for the Week of 10/8/2024 from Life In Pieces

We got home late Saturday afternoon from vacation. So I had Sunday and Monday to work on the non-hand stitching part of my to do list.  With that in mind, I didn't do too badly with on the list for last week. 

To Do list For 10/01/2024

1.  Diatom: Finish hand stitching binding ✔

2.  Guild BOM: Start October block 

3.  Marble Mystery: Start October clue ✔

4.  Chocolate Marshmallows: Decide layout, start assembly - progress

5.  Wild and Goosey: Finish orange blocks - progress

6.  Sensational Summery Scrap quilt: Continue as leaders/enders ✔

Considering we were on vacation last week ...

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October 1, 2024
To Do Tuesday for the Week of 10/01/2024 from Life In Pieces

It's October! I'm really not ready for that reality. We've got a lot going on this month, so I'm sure it will go faster than September.  Oh well, at least I got a lot done last week.  

To Do list for 09/24/2024

1.  Rhododendron: Finish binding 

2.  Diatom: Make label, binding, trim, sew on binding ✔

3.  Guild BOM: Make September block 

4.  Chocolate Marshmallows: Decide on setting 

5.  Wild and Goosey:  Continue making orange blocks 

6.  Sensational Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders 

Six for six last week.  I took the finishing of ...

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September 30, 2024
Computer Time and a Bit of Hand Stitching from Life In Pieces

Last week's maladies definitely hampered my progress on all things quilty. Some days, 15 minutes was really all I managed to accomplish.  But there was still progress.  Both design walls are completely empty at the moment. Chocolate Marshmallow goes up next. I did work out the final setting in EQ on one of the days I didn't make it to the sewing room. 

This may or may not be the final block layout. I need to get the blocks up on the design wall and play a bit before that's a done deal.  Chocolate Marshmallows was started ...

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September 26, 2024
To Do Tuesday on Thursday for the Week of 9/24/2024 from Life In Pieces

Getting a to do list posted for this week hasn't been the easiest.  I was very sick Tuesday and then yesterday had an appointment to get the car in for service. By the time I got home, the ragweed had given me one of those "light hurts your eyes" headaches.  I still have the dregs of the headache, I'm hoping it clears up as the day goes on.  But it's backed off enough I can at least sit in front of the computer this morning.  

Last week's to do list was an easy one.  

To Do ...

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January 4, 2024
PHD in 2024 from Life In Pieces

This will be my 6th attempt to achieve a PHD in quilting projects.  I've yet to manage that.  I doubt it happens this year either, but I won't know unless I try.  There are new hostesses for the PHD in 2024, Sharon Anderson and Susan Hatcher of Ms. P Designs USA.  Here's my list of this year's UFOs for the PHD in 2024.  

My strategy this year is to work on a new quilt or a quilt that needs the blocks assembled plus a quilt top to be finished or a quilt top to be assembled ...

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January 3, 2022
PHD in 2021: December Wrap Up from Life In Pieces

Year three of Stitching Gail's 2021 PHD program went pretty much like the first two.  I didn't manage 12 finishes, I didn't finish what I started, but at least my UFO count stayed the same.  

There were three finishes this year, I only started 3 of 4 planned starts, and I made progress on 5 other projects.  So it wasn't a horrible year.  

So though it's not PHD worthy, I'm happy with the progress in 2021. 

Cabins and Fans finally made it to the Post Office and Trudy is working her quilting magic on ...

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August 23, 2021
More This and That Stitching from Life In Pieces

We had a low key weekend.  Mostly stayed in to avoid the heat. It is a typical August in Oklahoma weather wise.  Staying in to stitch is just better for one's health when it's that hot outside.  

We are back to mandatory masking where we both work.  With infections continuing to increase, we'll be wearing masks for a few more months, at least till Halloween. I made a few new ones to replace the masks made with elastic, the t-shirt ear loops are much more comfortable.  

Mask pattern from Laundry Basket Quilts 

The other sewing activity was ...

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