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February 26, 2021
QuiltCon 2021 - Together, Virtual - and What I'm Learning from Quilting Studio Adventures


QuiltCon Together, 2021, wasn't awful and it wasn't fabulous.  While the social component was missing, the content was awfully good.  And it's an absolute luxury to listen to a lecture/workshop at your own time and own pace while doing something purposeful with your hands!

It was a lot of screen time, and most of it was so well done.  This picture oh Heidi Parkes hows how most of the presentations were done - little dot on the screen with the presenter and big screen for demos and handouts.  

For QuiltCon 2020, which I had to miss (broken ...

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May 31, 2020
100 days of bojagi from Ellyn's Place

It's been 100 days since Quiltcon 2020 in Austin. 100 days since we hugged new and old friends, stood in lines (close together!), ate tacos in crowded restaurants, chatted with vendors with no masks and thought nothing of it. 100 days since I sat in a classroom at the convention center with new and old friends and learned to do Korean Bojagi from Daisy Aschehoug.

Daisy is a warm, kind, bubbly human who currently lives in Norway (yes, she flew across the ocean to teach us, another thing people could do way back in February). She's an awesome ...

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March 9, 2020
learning something new from Ellyn's Place

I've always been that girl who tries every new hobby she comes across. Some of them stick for life (quilting, weaving, embroidery) others are a fail for me (painting, knitting) but hey, I tried! Quiltcon classes are an excellent opportunity for me to learn something new. This year's adventure? Korean Bojagi. What's that, you ask? Great question. I'll be honest, when I signed up for the class with Daisy Aschehoug I didn't have a clue. I only knew that it was being held in the hand sewing room so it had to be good, right ...

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October 25, 2019
Bojagi from Veriquilt

Bojagi (något beskuren) sydd av Eunkyeong Choi

Detalj av bojagi
Detalj av inslagen gåva
I söndags var jag på en workshop på Östasiatiska museet. Eunkyeong Choi från Korea visade hur man syr bojagi, Korean Patchwork. Hon berättade att ursprungligen sydde man en bojagi för att slå in och bära en present eftersom man inte hade någon väska, men fortfarande slår man in fina gåvor i en bojagi.
Överst en rad stygn sydda från rätsidan av E. Choi underst en rad
stygn sydda av mig
Baksidan. Jag har bara sytt de två sömmarna
mot de blå partierna
Man fäster tråden på ...

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