(Below, a brand-new human on a recently finished quilt. Eyes are covered to protect anonymity.)
Is romance in the air? For whatever reason, in my world, babies are a-poppin! Fortunately, I am prepared! Here's my neonatal kit: An oversized shoebox full of maybe 200 4" squares, some of them sewn into 9-patch blocks.
Unpacked, below, you'll find stacks of squares, many tourniqueted with torn white fabric strips, and the category name scribbled in pencil on torn-paper labels, in handwriting so terrible (mine) that I can barely read them.
In the photo above, the categories, starting on the top ...
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added by Cathy Perlmutter 5 months, 2 weeks ago.
baby quilt
food fabric
novelty fabric
scrap project
scrap quilt