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March 27, 2020
Arizona Understated - SAQA: Part Two from From Edge 2 Edge

I decided that I wasn't satisfied with my first attempt at creating a piece for the SAQA Arizona Understated exhibit. So I started over.

You might be interested in my design process. This post is about the steps I go through to create most of my work and this one in particular. If I am creating a piece for an exhibit I verify all criteria for the work. Size limitations and any other requirements. I make notes and may create a 3 x 5 card or notebook entry with all relevant information.

I create a preliminary thumbnail sketches of ...

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March 20, 2020
Arizona Understated - SAQA from From Edge 2 Edge

I have started working on a piece for a trunk show for SAQA. Here are the details of the exhibit. I am still deciding if I am going to do a representational piece or more abstract. I decided to start with the realistic and then play with the abstract to see which I like best. It is always fun to work in a series as so many ideas  are bouncing around. Working in a series allows me to experiment and play without feeling like I have to make the 'correct' choice on the first piece. I never know where an ...

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December 29, 2019
My Best of 2019 from Splendiferous

2019 was pretty busy!

Cents and Sensibility was accepted to Alexandria Museum of Art exhibit, Concrete and Adrift: On the Poverty Line.

Back Yard Beauty went to Mid-Alantic Quilt Festival in Pennsylvania.

Lichen hung at Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center in Baton Rouge.

Too Raw (Too Soon Every Day to Talk About Gun Violence) was accepted to the Tom Peyton Arts Festival, and Alexandria Museum of Art September Competition, AND was awarded the purchase prize at the latter.
Feathers, Scales and Tails: Night Flight went to Quilteroo's in Ruston, La., and Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center.

Fatsia Fantasy, Into the Woods ...

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November 11, 2019
Papir og tekstil from Iinas Sewing Machine Poetry

Jeg har mange viktige steder for art quilt-inspirasjon. Blant dem er en Facebook-gruppe som enkelt og greit heter "Art Quilts". Og den aller viktigste er den internasjonale organisasjonen for art quiltere, SAQA.
Hvorfor jeg nevner dette nå? Rett og slett fordi disse kildene er den direkte årsaken til at jeg satte tidligere i høst i gang med å teste ut bruk av papir fra gamle bøker i tekstilkunsten min.
Jeg er slett ikke den første til å gjøre dette, men som jeg oftest gjør, fant jeg også denne gangen ut av ting på egen hånd.
Og gjorde det kanskje litt ...

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October 13, 2019
North Star Show n Tell - The Narwhale from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

AH -- I'm back. I had a great night's sleep even though I had a wee nap around dinner time. Let's hope that I'm back in my time zone.

I thought I had better get some of those edited pictures up for you to have a peek at.

I'm going to start with the homework from the North Star quilt by Elizabeth Hartman.

This is one of our ongoing classes at The Hobby Horse. There are nine blocks in total and the last block will be assigned at the next class at the end of this ...

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