Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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July 11, 2024
When your dog takes her bath into her own hands from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 We had a lot of rain yesterday, which was the aftermath of the latest storm. The forecast said we should expect buckets of rain the entire day. Well, it was a bizarre day, to say the least. It poured, then the sun came out and dried everything up—OK—maybe just the sidewalks. Then it poured again, then the sun came out. I managed to walk the dogs and my afternoon walk with no rain! 

Now, I get that we had nothing compared to those when it was a real storm, but it was a very bizarre weather day. DH ...

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April 7, 2024
Simple, yet elegant! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Hmmm --- I'll have to try the Sirius radio prize myself! I'm not a huge fan of the radio, and we no longer have radios in the house. Does anyone have a radio anymore? I stream using apps (yep - more apps!), but I find the reception in the basement isn't the greatest, or the app sucks, and it cuts out. So then I listen to nothing or I listen to Spotify. I'll check it out! The same goes for Alexa - I used to use Alexa for the radio, but I'm afraid Alexa has retired from my ...

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April 3, 2024
Let the games BEGIN from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I think I'm almost back to normal time, but I'm still tired in the morning, so always a little bit behind; I should be good tomorrow. 

OK—so what's with all the dreaming? The sleep I'm getting is deep because I'm dreaming, which I probably do every night, but I just don't remember the dreams. 

I remember the dreams, and it's weird how it takes events in a day and mixes them up. The last two nights have both been dreams about quilting. A friend mentioned a quilt she was making the other ...

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March 24, 2024
Order, not CHAOS! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

About that shelving - it's still in the garage. At the warehouse, we attempted to release the shelves with a mallet, but the little things that hold the shelves in place are NOT the little black plastic ones I've got on my other shelving. These are sort of rubberized WHITE ones. One of the guys told me in his experience that once these heavy-duty shelves are together, they are NOT coming off. I might try the wood and hammer method, but getting two guys to move it might be faster. I can't deal with it right now, so ...

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March 4, 2024
Prioritize, Focus, and WIN! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Someone suggested I run a defrag on my hard disk. Yes -- that's a good idea, and I must remember to do that. 

What I think I need to do is get myself organized first. I must write down each place where I have storage - how much I pay and what is stored there. There's Googe Drive, One Drive, and soon iCloud. I have Dropbox (which I need to cancel), my external hard disks, and my storage on the two computers. Wait -- there's also the phone and the iPad. Can you see the craziness of all this? And ...

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December 28, 2019
carry around some quiet from Charm About You

This was part of my mum's Christmas present. I had this idea in my head, to combine some cross stitch and Kraft-tex to make a bookmark. This is really a very basic make but I'm pleased with how it turned out and hope it will wear well as she uses it. I know that Kraft-tex can actually feel better the more it's handled and it should still hold its shape, as it helpfully conceals the guts of the cross stitching. 
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