Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

January 7, 2024
Two girls and a boy from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 At last -- the final two distribution lists are recreated! The more I put people into my contact list, the easier it became. The dates for the UFO Club are set, and all that remains is to send a couple of emails, which should NOT take long. I hope to get it all completed today!

Part of the homework follow-up from yesterday is done, and I should be good to get everything finished TODAY. That will be awesome. That was on my list of paperwork to finish before the end of the year, but with that little hiccup I had, it ...

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January 2, 2024
The gold thread returns from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's back to business! I'm happy to report that my system of recreating the distribution lists worked! It's still time-consuming, but my process made it relatively pain-free, and two more lists were recreated yesterday. One of the steps is done for six more lists, and hopefully, they will get done this morning. That will leave one more to recreate tomorrow. 

Let's say that the "incident" was a good eye-opener. I sure seem to have my share, but then I'm willing to let "bad" things happen and learn from them. Things change and life is much ...

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December 2, 2023
It's all about the logic from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a headache yesterday, which is extremely RARE for me - thank goodness. I hear stories from people who have migraines and headaches every day - I'd go mad! Thankfully, it wasn't a terrible headache, so I could still "function." Or so I thought. 

I was attempting to prepare for my paper-piecing class this morning and listening to an audiobook. As I said - it was a mild headache. Well, I think I made every paper-piecing mistake in the book! I stitched on the wrong lines, placed the fabrics incorrectly, and sewed the wrong fabric in place - so, needless to ...

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November 19, 2023
The word of the day is FOCUS from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a day to myself, which was glorious, even though I didn't accomplish much. That's part of why we need days to ourselves, so if we don't accomplish much -- it's OK! 

I had two Zooms in the morning, and both went very well. One of the projects is down to the wire, with the final reveal next month. I have started sewing my Barn Star Sampler together, and I have three small blocks to assemble, and then I can finish the quilt top. There was one more Zoom in the afternoon for our remedial Jen ...

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November 7, 2023
Saying good-by is such sweet sorrow from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 It feels pretty weird to be sitting in a hotel room, and I don't have to be "on duty" until 9 AM. And it's five AM. Whatever will I do with myself for four hours! Well, I have to write the blog, and I'm going for a walk, and perhaps I'll find a geocache or two to give me something to do. I did NOT get all my KMs in yesterday. I missed it by 4 km, which is still pretty good considering I did NOT have a proper walk with the girls and the boy ...

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October 31, 2023
Learn to use your time wisely! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What can I say -- but yesterday was an AMAZING day!! Yep -- I'm better, and I've got a plan, and I'm motivated, and well, what more could I ask for? 

I know - sleep. Seriously -- can you tell me why one is wide awake at 1:30 (a bit too early to get up, even for me!) and then can't go back to sleep for hours? But is it really worth getting up to do something? Then, when you finally wake up, you're exhausted? Thankfully, that doesn't happen often! And the dreams I had -- good grief ...

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October 29, 2023
Big dog, little dog from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I feel even better today! All is good! I think I had two naps yesterday, and I got through the Zooms in the morning with no problem. As a matter of fact, I wasn't watching the time and was ready to go on!

And while I was on Zoom, I had company. The big dog and the tiny dog. These are the clingy dogs. Lexi doesn't do stairs, so she's never in Studio B. 

The big dog and the tiny dog

But the sun was shining when we were done, and those dogs love the sun. Bear ...

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October 28, 2023
Too many quilts! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There is good news today! I feel better! Now, before we go and have a party - I'm slightly better. I actually woke up at the "right" time for me, and that makes me feel better. But I had two long naps yesterday. I swear, when I need a nap, I'm not kidding. I need to lie down IMMEDIATELY, or I'll fall asleep on my feet. And I know I'll have at least one nap today -- I just hope I can make it through the two Zooms. I may shorten the walks with the girls this morning ...

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October 27, 2023
Around the neighborhood from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

So these are interesting times. I'm not a good patient, and I have lots of medication to combat the symptoms. And for the most part, I'm doing OK. But I'm tired! And that scares me because I can cope with all the other symptoms, but how does one cope with fatigue? Lots of rest. 

At one point, I decided to take a nap. It was a long nap, and the three dogs were on the couch with me. Can you spot them? 

Napping with the dogs

Then, the impatient BIG dog decided to get off. Can you ...

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October 25, 2023
Life has gone to the dogs! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Have you ever prepped something and realized it was the wrong topic? That happened the other day. I looked at my calendar and started to prepare a presentation. Then, I checked the store schedule and discovered that I had prepped the wrong topic! ACK! So a mad scramble ensued, and I got everything done! I prepared the presentation for December, so when it's time to prep that one -- it's already done! 

But as I go through my folders locating pictures and documents, it would be much easier if it was better organized. I'm part way there, but ...

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October 14, 2023
Conquering roadblocks from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We still have beeping in our house. It's not the smoke or carbon detector. I have a suspicion it's the sensor in the side door that needs a new battery. It's powered by something, so there must be a battery. 

One more thing to deal with! It's these niggly little things that are time-consuming because you have to figure out how to fix them! And yes -- I checked the thermostat -- the batteries are fine. 

My stretch session was excellent. I sure wish they would have classes for stretching. I know -- it's easy to do at ...

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October 13, 2023
STOP - when you turn on a red light from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a bit of a traumatic walk in the morning. I was approaching a busy intersection, which we don't cross. This corner seems to come with a lot of drama, having been there when an accident happened, found a disoriented skunk, and yesterday - well, yesterday was bad. 

I was approaching the intersection with Murphy when I heard an impact. OH! I glanced around. OMG --- a car has hit a young person on a bicycle. 

I would not be a good witness as I heard the impact, but I did not see anything as my eyes were elsewhere at ...

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October 9, 2023
You can teach an old dog a new trick! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

For those who are looking for a store in the Toronto area that sells Sulky thread, there is Brampton Sew and Serge. The problem is that I bought all they have of the color I need. 

This is where friends come in very handy. I have a friend with a LARGE cone of the very color I need. Thankfully, she is within driving distance. So I will decide -- go or no-go on this project, and then we'll go from there!

OK --- so do you want to know what I discovered the other day? That will be beneficial to ALL ...

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October 8, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK --- I think we got everyone straightened out on those classes. But I still had someone request to get in at NOON!!! Now, to figure out how to get those Facebook groups to work correctly. I have many groups from old classes and want to delete them, but HOW? OK -- so research into how Facebook groups work is in order. I want the ability to DELETE someone from a group, but not BAN them. That sounds so severe! 

Do you ever have moments when your brain is about to explode with excitement? That's me right about now. There is ...

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October 6, 2023
OUCH -- that hurts! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The good news about the blister is it only required one drain, and now it's going into a callus, which will take some time to fall off, but at least the pain is gone, not that it prevented me from walking. Not much would keep me from walking! I managed to get some extra miles in yesterday, so that was good, but I still need to catch up on my virtual challenge. Now that I have some breathing room in my schedule, I am confident I'll get back on track. 

However, I must be careful what I wear ...

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October 1, 2023
Thrift store finds from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Wow -- back in the saddle this morning. I have two presentations to prepare; of course, nothing was done last night! 

But there is good news - my two sample suitcases were sitting in the hall waiting to be unpacked. I was missing some samples, and the store where I was sure they had disappeared had checked and could not find them. I could not find them in my suitcases. Guess what? When I unpacked -- there they were! How that happened, I've no idea. I need to pack my suitcases in the future to know where everything is. 

Shoot -- I thought ...

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September 22, 2023
It's all about STATUS! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I must be quick this morning as I have to be on the road early to get to my destination and my event on time. I could have gone last night, but no need. I'm off to Stitcharie (Petrolia) for applique and quilting today. So, if you're in the area -- they may still have room, but it will be tight! I'm at Thimble Quilts and Sewing Company in Lasalle (near Windsor) for some embroidery events tomorrow. 

The blog will be short and sweet this morning. 

The first line of business was to get on a chat call ...

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July 22, 2023
Weeding the garden - wait wrong garden! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

If I've done everything correctly, the classes are up! Just look at the tabs across the top of the blog, and you'll see one at the end called CLASSES. Click that link, and the page should pop up. If it doesn't, I'm sure someone will alert me. 

The only action you could possibly take at this point is to order the one pattern, which you should do if you are going to sign up for that class. But PLEASE DO NOT contact the stores to get dates and sign up. They are NOT ready. I listed ...

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July 21, 2023
The end of the rainbow from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The good news is that I will announce all the NEW classes/clubs I'll be running in the fall. I will try putting them on ONE page so you can print them out. That's a job for later today, and if that fails, I'll make a separate blog post so it's all in one spot! Feels good to get that done! Watch for that tomorrow!!!!

I think I should throw in a free class on how to take pictures with your cell phone! Do people realize that we are no longer buying/leasing cell phones but ...

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July 19, 2023
Solar Flares! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm going to blame it entirely on solar flares! Apparently, there was a large one yesterday. Not only did the keyboard crap out, but other things also happened. 

I did some testing on the keyboard later in the day, and well -- it's a mystery to be sure. Somehow some of the keys have gone wonky - when I type an "r," I get "6r". When I type "f," I get "5f." Typing a V brings up the help. I think there are eight keys affected, but one can't type with craziness like that. 

And when I look at ...

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