Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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January 3, 2022
I get shivers from Bizarre Quilter

Ooh! I get shivers from this magickal money cat! It's so much more sparkly and beautiful in real life! I wish you could see how good it looks.

This crystal bee is a deadset favourite. I bought 5 fabric prints, but I can see I need to order another 5 already.

I will need to keep one for myself.

What an interesting card draw!!

Saraswati, goddess of music, knowledge and teaching.

Ahhh, maybe this is the vampire witch. She is wearing a red cloak, and there are bats in the background. Maybe there are more than one vampire in ...

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December 23, 2020
Pyramid Log Cabin blocks from Espritpatch

 Another long-time UFO that has been rehomed... the triangle blocks. These blocks came from the Simply Solids bee in 2013 (!), I guess this was hosted on Flickr at the time. The theme was to make blocks with only solid fabric (obviously). I asked my fellow bee members to make triangle blocks in either cold or warm colours.

When I found the blocks again earlier this year, I had 19 of them, about 18' on the side and 16' in height but they were not all the same size. I guess some could be trimmed or other made bigger quite easily ...

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July 16, 2020
A Little More Lavender and a Free Pattern! from Telling Stories Through the Needle's Eye

Last week we traveled to Provence to see the amazing fields of lavender, and this week we are going to put that lavender into stitch form with a free pattern! This little circle of lavender can be stitched onto just about anything—a hand towel, an ornament, or a sachet—which is what I (Kara) am going to show you today.

Lets get started!

The first step was gathering my threads. I love it when I can use my Valdani threads, so I chose one of my favorite greens for the stems and then a solid black and a variegated ...

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July 14, 2020
Q-Squirrel Pt 2 from Nestlings By Robin

Here we are at almost mid-July and the 
self-quarantining continues.
Since I left you after part 1
here is just a bit of 
what I have been up to....

I participated in a Virtual Trunk
that ended up being a FAB
way to introduce myself to 
new followers.
You can see it HERE!

I like to be prepared so here
was my set up that day with
pages of notes, phone stand,
and a rack of quilts behind me:)

I continued playing with my friend's
Twelve Days of Christmas
that you can read more about
Here is a ...

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June 25, 2020
Die Modern Cologne BeeQuilter Blöcke in 2020 from Quilt Collection M.

Seit einigen Jahren nähe ich auch in der Modern Cologne Bee mit. Das ist ein kleiner Kreis, der aus den Modern Cologne Quilters entstanden ist. In diesem Jahr sind wir insgesamt 10 Quilterinnen. Dadurch haben wir in einem Sommermonat und im Dezember eine Pause.

Der erste Block im Januar kam von Judith. sie wollte endlich ihren Spiderweb-Quilt fertig machen und dabei haben wir ihr geholfen. Ich habe anderthalb Blöcke geschafft. Diese Webkantenblöcke sind wirklich aufwändig. Aber wenn sie dann fertig sind, dann sind sie wirklich toll. Inzwischen hat Judith den Quilt schon fertig zusammen genäht und quiltet fleissig.

For the ...

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June 12, 2020
To be a Bee - Blöcke in 2020 from Quilt Collection M.

Jedes Jahr wieder  versuche ich mich zu erinnern, was ich denn in den Bees genäht habe. Deshalb hatte ich letztes Jahr alles in eine Tabelle kopiert und mir eine Übersicht über 5 oder 6 Bee Jahre verschafft. Da kommen ganz schön viele Blöcke zustande...und diese Tabelle war richtig beeindruckend!

Inzwischen sind wir im Juni 2020 und es wird Zeit einmal die Blöcke zu zeigen, die bisher entstanden sind. Ich hoffe sehr, dass ich das nun jedes halbe Jahr machen kann. Dann geht auch kein Bee-Block verloren.

Im Januar war ich die Königin in der To be a Bee. Ich ...

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November 22, 2019
Stitching a Tea Cozy Garden from Telling Stories Through the Needle's Eye

A few months ago, I (Teri) joined the local chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America. Each month at the meetings, an embroidery project is offered; at my first meeting it was a cute little tea cozy, made with buttons. I love tea, and I have a vast collections of buttons, so I gathered some fun buttons and threads and set off on my new adventure. 

I love to challenge myself to learn new stitches or to make them with different threads or applications. For this project, I chose to focus on using Painters Threads and floss by Weeks Dye ...

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October 28, 2019
Bee Inspired Update! from The Inquiring Quilter

Back in August, I told you about a quilt challenge that my online bee, Bee Inspired, was taking up - the Quilt Con Charity Quilt Challenge. The challenge was to design and make a lap quilt using text. The quilt will eventually be donated to a charity of our choice, so we wanted the text to be uplifting.

We also had to work in a limited white, grey, and black color palette. Here’s my fabric pull.

Fabric pull 1.jpg

We quickly decided to support a women’s charity. We tossed around a lot of ideas for the text and quickly agreed on the ...

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March 25, 2019
Blije Bijen Weekend from Quilting Trui

Uit de derde droomdekenweek in Frankrijk is een App-Bee ontstaan: de Blije Bijen.
Héél gezellig. We wonen verspreid in Nederland, maar hebben Bee via Whatts App.
Zouden wij de enige App Bee in Nederland zijn???
Omdat elkaar zien óók zo leuk is, hebben we achterliggend weekend al voor de 2e keer een reunie gehad. Het was weer héérlijk!

Via één van onze leden kunnen we voordelig over een mooie locatie beschikken.
Zoals gebruikelijk bij quilt bijeenkomsten is de keurig nette woonkamer binnen de kortste keren één grote puinhoop

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