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January 23, 2025
Dressing for the cold! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 As I prepared to take the girls for their morning walk, I contemplated how to dress. The temperature was minus 19, with a wind chill of minus 26 or something like that. I'm pretty good for my head (a Tilley hat is the best, although it should probably be replaced as the ear flaps are stretched), but the tightly wound scarf keeps that all in check; my recycled pop-bottle coat is toasty warm, but what about my legs? 

Then I remembered some wind pants in the closet and checked them out. Good grief - there were TWO pairs of pants ...

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January 18, 2025
Progress on All from Quilts....etc.

I didn’t get done quilting on Scrappy Crossroads Thursday night – but almost so I know I finished it last night and will show it this weekend.    Only this much left to quilt.  Just the border and a couple of the X’s aren’t completely finished. The binding fabric for Scrappy Crossroads And the section for […]

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January 12, 2025
Another Row Done from Quilts....etc.

Six rows are done now for the Broken Star Log Cabin – I might go ahead and stitch this row together before I start the next row.  I already moved some blocks around a little bit so the color is good. Another strip of Noriko’s Star was partially stitched and I will work more on […]

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January 11, 2025
So Much Snow from Quilts....etc.

Yes we did end up with a heck of a lot of snow – they kept changing the amounts of how much we would get all day Wednesday and Thursday and we ended up with 10 inches when I went out to measure the snow on the deck table Friday morning. (the ladder was still […]

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December 22, 2024
The command center from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's all how you look at it! I never considered getting up and down from my sewing machine as a squat. But it's a SQUAT! I'll take it! Elle mentioned that she works inefficiently in her sewing space, and so do I. We all need to keep moving, or you'll end up like my Mom. She can't move, because she didn't move! I need to move - if I don't, my body is going to seize up, and I'll be in worse shape than I am. 

But I love this little command station ...

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November 6, 2024
The subconcious works HARD from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OMG  --- you will NOT believe what happened last night! It was worth a few sleepless moments. 

DH and I have been working on another EXIT Game, and I bragged the other day about how well we were doing. Of course, that night, we had to look at one clue. And we should NOT have had to—we were just overthinking the process. So we arrived at the last puzzle two nights ago and were stumped again. I hate when that happens, but I'm getting over that. 

We started on this current puzzle two nights ago, but last night was ...

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November 3, 2024
My birthday socks finished, and gift from Romany Quilting

 I have finally finished this pair of socks for me.  This 4ply sock wool is branded Happy Feet, no colour named, just a number, and I received it as a birthday gift last year from Sew Wot friend Mary.    As most of you know, I knit my socks flat, two at a time, and packed the finished socks in my knitting bag on our recent caravan trip planning to get side seam stitched up.  That never happened, and I finally completed this task once we returned back home.  It's about time I finished them.

Although it is now Spring ...

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September 4, 2024
Heading Home from Romany Quilting

 Our last night in the South Island was quite a worry.  A storm came rolling in as the day wore on, and was fully fledged by night time.  We could swear that the thunder was right over head, and each noisy clap spooked Gemma.  She ran around the van looking for a hiding place, hunkering down on the carpet at the foot of the bed, with the overhanging duvet giving her the illusion of cover.  Lightening cracked around us, torrential rain came down, and the caravan was buffeted all night by strong wind gusts.  Dear oh dear, what would our ...

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August 18, 2024
The LIST rules!!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I "caved," got a scrap of paper, and made a list. It was a short list, but it was a list of sewing/quilting things I wanted to accomplish. Mostly, I wanted a goal for the Cabin in the Woods applique. I know this will sound silly, but I wanted a place to stop so I could move on to something else - at least for that day. 

It's kind of what I aim for with the monthly classes. If we tackle a huge project and stick with it until it's done, it gets boring, and that's all ...

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July 31, 2024
Scrappy Crossroads from Quilts....etc.

For now I am just giving this quilt the name that is in the book – I have heard it is one of those patterns that has been around for a long time and has several names.  I did decide to go with dark fabric where the neutral light fabric is in the photo.  I […]

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July 15, 2024
365-day PROGRESS from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Did I accomplish three things yesterday? I did, but I would really have liked to have done one more. That didn't happen, but I went to bed exhausted and happy! 

What amazes me is that even with the "downtime," my days are filled. Well, I'll never be done with all the stuff I have to do. But since I'm enjoying what I do, I can't complain. 

Here's some stuff I finished up for our machine embroidery session yesterday. These items are made from clothesline rope. I think it was the day before leaving for Quilt ...

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July 11, 2024
When your dog takes her bath into her own hands from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 We had a lot of rain yesterday, which was the aftermath of the latest storm. The forecast said we should expect buckets of rain the entire day. Well, it was a bizarre day, to say the least. It poured, then the sun came out and dried everything up—OK—maybe just the sidewalks. Then it poured again, then the sun came out. I managed to walk the dogs and my afternoon walk with no rain! 

Now, I get that we had nothing compared to those when it was a real storm, but it was a very bizarre weather day. DH ...

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July 10, 2024
Beryl–Past us Now from Quilts....etc.

We got a much needed three inches of rain from Tropical storm Beryl as she came across Arkansas – after I took this photo the rain continued on and climbed to the 3 inch mark. And of course another branch came out of that same tree – Mike has part of it cleaned up now […]

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June 17, 2024
A Peek into Last Week from Lovin' Life At The End Of The Dirt Road

 Lots of odds and ends taking place around here. Nothing exciting, just snippets of  our days. We're definitely ready for cooler weather. 106° is brutal for livestock, the rancher, and his old wife. The older we get, the less heat tolerant we become so that means I'm behind the mower by 6 a.m. We have a nice, big yard, and I water it religiously in order to keep it that way and to

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April 30, 2024
Hunter’s Star–outside from Quilts....etc.

Well it rained on Sunday and Sunday night a little but by afternoon the deck was dry and out came the quilt to shine Hunter’s Star – the sun came through the overhead branches and landed right on the yellow blocks making them shine brighter than the rest.  The quilt finished at 93×94 inches I […]

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April 21, 2024
RSC Week #16 - End of Yellow... Almost from Grandma's Red Needle least for me!

I have a small finish

The table topper got black border and binding, Grunge Onyx Black

The hot pads, placemats and coasters are quilted and binding added to the front.

Round hot pads and coasters

Square placemats and hot pads

Both fabrics have some blue / turquoise and I found this Moda Marbles Key West Blue 9880-49 in my stash. I had a look at the new Moda Marbles color chart and it looks like it has been replaced with 9863 Turquoise.   
The bindings need to be hand sewn or machine sewn to the back. I do ...

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March 26, 2024
The Border is Coming Together from Quilts....etc.

This border is turning out to be easier than I thought it would be – what I thought might be a month of work might be a bit less. I decided to keep all the blocks going in the same direction not twisting or turning the into a wave type pattern.  By moving the pieces […]

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March 18, 2024
When you least expect it........... from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

We had our UFO Club in the morning, and I was one of the few who didn't meet the deadline. That's OK - I'll get it done for next month. I completed part of it, but not enough to say I put in a reasonable effort. I wish I had more time to focus on my UFOs - I'm to the point now where I need this project (Cabin in the Woods X two) off my plate as I'm getting bored with it. OK -- so I am working on applique, which stalls me EVERY time. I like ...

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February 29, 2024
Life in TANDEM from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

While I don't have a lot to show for what happened yesterday, I did get stuff done! That seems to happen a lot these days! I have two classes to prep for this weekend, and I'm at a local store teaching all day, so my time has been spent prepping for that. 

For the life of me, I cannot find ONE sample that I'd really like to have today. What the heck could I have done with it? Sigh!! The store might have the same sample, so I'm HOPING! 

Yesterday was all about the weather - it ...

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January 27, 2024
Not another new RSC Project, surely? from Romany Quilting

The  Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour for January is green, and I thought I had already completed my RSC stitching this month.  But another project sneaked in.  Hiding in plain sight was a bag of 2.5in squares, and I had thinking of doing a project I had seen in blogland, but that didn't happen.  To be quite honest, I don't really like working with little squares, and was considering donating the bag to the Op Shop.

Perhaps I'll do something with them after all, I thought.  So I rummaged through the bag, pulled out all the soft ...

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