Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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January 18, 2025
Artificial Intelligence from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 There are a couple of things to clear before I start on today's topic. 

1. The USB stick --- good grief - this was a challenge, and it was only when someone sent me a picture of how it opened that I got it! DUH!!! There are days when I wonder how I make anything happen, and then there are days when I amaze myself with my creativity! Oh shoot -- I didn't take a picture of how it opens, but the ENTIRE top of that white square turns, causing the connector to pop out. There were little arrows on the ...

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December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas 2024!!!!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Merry Christmas!!!!!  

Okay—we looked in the box, outside the box, and scoured everywhere, but we are stuck. I needed to sleep on this next puzzle in the EXIT Game, and hopefully, today will be the day to solve it. It doesn't help that my friend, whose son is a wizard at these, mentioned that he was challenged by this particular puzzle. Let's see what happens later today. 

We decided to do another Virtual Retreat Zoom call this morning! If you are around, here's the link. I'll open the call at 10 a.m., and we ...

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November 24, 2024
A gaggle of half-square triangles from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had a great day yesterday. The pain had pretty much disappeared in the morning, and I buzzed around all day and accomplished a lot. I even "gloated," to which DH said I was a fool! 

And he was right! I went to bed pain-free, and I woke up a couple of hours later in agony. So now I'm frustrated and exhausted, and we just won't go there. 

I will host my two Zooms this morning, and then I think I'll take another magic pill and sleep this afternoon. I do NOT care how it wrecks my ...

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November 15, 2024
Decluttering has become a way of life from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK—I'll try to stop talking about the decluttering thing in the blog for a bit. But seriously, you won't turn back once you get the hang of how this works. I opened the pantry in the kitchen when I had a few moments waiting for lunch to heat up. We store the dog supplies in there. It wasn't quite tidy enough for me, so I spent a mere five minutes, and now it looks like this. Did you notice the partially empty shelf? If we didn't have dogs, this would be EMPTY!

The dog supplies ...

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October 16, 2024
The brain works in mysterious ways! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Hopefully, some of you visited the Libby app to check if your local library has quilt magazines. We've had them for quite a while, but I like the paper copy. However, I'm going to change my mindset on that. Besides, Libby will alert me when a new issue comes up. It's all very civilized, but we all know that change is challenging, and I must let myself go with the flow! 

If Libby doesn't have them, check if your library has Hoopla. Often, magazines are also available from that app. Digital has many advantages, and it ...

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October 15, 2024
Two halves make a whole! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks for the tips on magazines! And yes, while I love them, I rarely make anything from them. Not that I don't want to, but in the quilting circle of life, I do NOT need another project on my plate. I'll leave those for the newbies!

So, I downloaded the most recent Quick + Easy Quilts issue onto my iPad (through the Libby app) and browsed. OK—so I did NOT browse. If I'm going to read a magazine, I like to read it cover to cover. Don't ask me why, don't ask me to change ...

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October 14, 2024
T-shirts quilt in progress from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I finished listening to that supernatural audiobook this morning. OK, so it's a bit farfetched, but it's supernatural, so of course that's going to happen. I'm done, and I will choose the next book wisely!

I also finished the physical book I was reading, and although I vowed NOT to pick up another book, I have another audiobook due in several days, so while I putter in Studio B, I'll listen to that. And I picked from my shelves a Nonfiction book, which slows me down! So all is good! I NEED to have a ...

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August 30, 2024
Quilt pattern controversy from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Let's start with the classes before I get lost in my thoughts!!! 

There are TWO more classes at The Hobby Horse, so I will post that link again. There are the October to June monthly one-hour lectures on finishing your quilt. There is so much to share in that! And there are FOUR in-person sessions—two of them are on machine quilting, and two of them are demos on various topics. Angie and I will be doing those two sessions as a team. It will be super fun, a chance for you to get out of the house and ...

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September 10, 2023
Used books from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

SHOOT --- I forgot to mention yesterday that the Heartfelt Sampler is a ZOOM class. So, if you are interested in signing up, send me an e-mail, and I'll get you the details and how to get signed up and get your pattern.

Yep --- I know I must follow up with the doctor and my knee. Just seems like there is NO time, but I NEED to make time. I have already had X-rays and an ultrasound but haven't called for the results yet. I may need to go to an MRI, but let's see ...

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January 6, 2023
New habits from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

There are TWO new habits that I want to add to my OCD behavior this year. One is to write in The Happiness Project book every day! It takes no time at all, and the second is to respond to ALL the comments in a timely manner that people post on the blog. So far -- I'm good! 

As M (my daughter) mentioned and I had planned, The Happiness Project book (that's the blue book I just found again) is by my bed, as well as those new snazzy colored gel pens. My writing sucks, and it is even ...

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May 30, 2022
» Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh my --- what great fun we had at the virtual retreat! We had a great visit with Jenny from Australia, where it's winter! But not like our winter. And there was the usual gang of misfits! OK - maybe I was the only misfit? No, I don't think so. I love that we all get along and have some wonderful conversations, and we learn so much from each other. 

The conversations are entertaining, and you can just listen, especially when you have an ugly job to do. Before I went to retreat last week, I had an issue with ...

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May 16, 2022
Cross Canada Challenge!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Have you ever had one of those nights when you are tired - but you just can't fall asleep? There were zero reasons for that to happen except to annoy me. I did not nap during the day, I didn't have any earth-shattering thing on my mind, all the work for the day got completed, and I just couldn't fall asleep. 

I did get up and go to spin class. Let's just say that it took me an extra 10 minutes to get my 30 KM. I think a nap this morning or this afternoon will be ...

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December 15, 2021
What color is your roof? from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I have to laugh as I was reading someone else's blog post this morning, and they talked about how their dog, Jade, didn't like things moved around and was out of sorts! That's just like me! I don't mind the furniture being moved, but I find it incredibly hard to focus when there are work people in my house. No idea why -- I don't mind them coming and going, but it's just darn distracting. I think it's because I have to keep the girls entertained or out of the way, and that's ...

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October 9, 2021
Let it go!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 A quick recap of the One Block Wonder stuff -- The Tree of Life panel set is gone. And I think it went to the right person. Remember the panel? 

The Tree of Life panel

I do believe I found the perfect person to take this off my hands! This person has a TON of the coordinating fabric but no panel. She can now make a beautiful One Block Wonder or Stack and Whack and add cubes, borders, etc., with all those coordinates.

Coordinating fabric to the Tree of Life panel

The animal panels are also gone. I haven't responded ...

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August 1, 2021
I'll do it my way! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Yes -- I could tackle this office with gusto and get it done - probably in one day? NO -- my whacky attention to detail and having to touch every piece of paper - this won't happen in a day! I'm the turtle. Slow and steady is my pace, and well, that suits me just fine. 

As usual, I did NOT take pictures before. I just plunged in and got some work done. All the boxes that were on the floor in here are gone. OH -- that's so not true. The ones that were ready to go are gone. There are ...

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May 9, 2021
Breaking the rules from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I'm happy to report that the Long Time Gone is ALMOST done. All the little things I wanted to change are changed! All the sashing pieces that I need for the last section are cut and ready to sew in place. And Section 4 is together as much as it can be. The only thing left is those darn four pineapple blocks! That's going to have to wait until Monday sewing, which is tomorrow. And I see that more and more people are getting their tops together, minus the border as that is the class for next weekend ...

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March 18, 2021
How to deal with magazines from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


OK -- so I have NEVER said so many bad words while reading a book - EVER! The Innocent Man by John Grisham is just - well - it blows my mind at the comedy of errors that occurred for the characters in the book. Corruption, the desire for elected personnel to please their voting public, taking advantage of people with mental illness, poverty, and many other factors. It just boggles my mind that any of this was allowed to happen. 

I consider myself a believer in justice for all and hope that common sense and justice would prevail should I ever find myself ...

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March 11, 2021
The Enchanted Garden from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 So everyone was right! When I said I had two more crazy weeks, they just laughed! The worst of this week is over, and now it's time to tackle the next big assignment. Lots of writing. It's not bad at all - just makes me laugh when I think how optimistic I am and my friends bring me back into check. 

Even though I'm busy, it doesn't mean that I'm working all day long! And I've found a new way to read magazines. Well, it's not new as I've been doing it for ...

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March 9, 2021
Decluttering makes me happy!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

FIRST -- I stand corrected!!! Yesterday I made a mistake. The interviewees did NOT get paid. That was very clear, but for some reason, I misinterpreted the information. I apologize for that. Thanks to a couple of readers who pointed that out. I've corrected my post from yesterday. What is disturbing is that while these people didn't get paid, the network paid $7 - 9 million for the rights to produce that interview, so someone profited. If you want to live a private life, then you should keep it private. You can't have your cake and eat it too ...

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It's all about COLOR from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 Oh my - so much happened yesterday, and I don't think I'm going to get to it all. As promised, though, let's talk about those Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazines. 

The magazines came out quarterly, and I seem to have purchased them all. The time frame is 2010 - 2014 or something like that. Here's the cover of the one that I'm just finishing. 

Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazine

Yep -- do you remember Ty Pennington of Move that Bus (Extreme Home Makeover) fame? I wonder if he's still around? Yep --- with a much more grizzled look ...

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