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May 14, 2021
Red Rock Sunrise - SAQA Benefit Auction from From Edge 2 Edge

I had a lot of fun this year creating my 12 x 12 inch SAQA Benefit Auction piece. These little pieces always take more time than I think they will. The main reason is that I still go through a full design and critique process like I would when creating a larger piece. 

For this piece I went back into my stash of fabrics that were either digital or inkjet prints. I was happy to realized that the mountain fabric I had purchased was in the same color scheme as my own design I had printed at Spoonflower several years ...

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December 26, 2020
Every little thing equals progress from Sew Sunshine

I made 5 mini quilts! Yes I did...slow and steady like. These came about because my BEE mate Jen asked for quilted cards. I loved this idea though thought it would be daunting to make something so small. 
I am only supposed to tackle sewing projects in little bits of time, mainly because the posture (as you all know) in sewing can be very muscle fatiguing. 
I would guess about 5 minutes at a time I worked my way through the minis. They are all about 4.25" x 5ish" 
Of course I had a black and white theme ...

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April 24, 2020
Working on SAQA Auction Quilt from From Edge 2 Edge

I have been working on some smaller pieces lately and decided to make my SAQA auction quilt. I still have a little bit of work I want to do to this but for the most part I am happy with the result. I still have to block it, add a sleeve and a label.

I am thinking I might do just a touch more color work on it to add a bit more contrast in both the background areas and the foreground. I will be darkening some background so the hills are a little more defined. I will consider adding ...

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December 18, 2019
Art quilt-julekort 2019 from Iinas Sewing Machine Poetry

Jeg kommer fra en svært entusiastisk, ja, kanskje nesten fanatisk julekortfamilie. Jeg kan huske hvordan foreldrene mine hvert år kjøpte inn mengder av Unicef-julekort og satt timevis og skrev kort til inn- og utland. Og det var store mengder det var snakk om. Med til dette hørte også en økende amper stemning... ikke bare bare å organisere dette og skrive alle kortene. Adresser, frimerker, fikk vi kort fra dem i fjor, skal vi sende i år...?

Selv om stemningen ikke alltid var av det beste slaget når foreldrene mine holdt på med skrivingen, hørte dette til de faste juleforberedelsene hos ...

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November 27, 2019
Moon River from Iinas Sewing Machine Poetry

Du kjenner sikkert til sangen "Moon River".  Det kan også hende at du vet at den ble laget spesielt til Audrey Hepburn som spilte en av sine glansroller i filmen "Breakfast at Tiffany's"  i 1961.
Men har du noen gang satt deg inn i sangteksten? Det hadde i alle fall ikke jeg - før jeg fikk ideen om å sy et bilde til sangen og ble dermed nysgjerrig på hva den egentlig handler om.

Moon river, wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style some day
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
Wherever you're goin', I'm ...

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