Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 4, 2025
My name is Elaine and I'm a hoarder from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

My name is Elaine, and I'm a hoarder! So we've known that for a long time, and I'm trying very hard to break the habit. For myself - it's a bit of a learned habit, as my mom is a hoarder. It's also wanting to collect all the shiny things. And then there is this situation. 

When I arrived home from the retreat - all of this came back into the house with me. Poor Murphy was beside herself because she couldn't get to the door! 

MOM - I can't get to you!

I had taken ...

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June 6, 2024
Pulling samples is loads of fun! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

The saga of the jelly roll race quilt continues. I checked out the video, and YES, she has you join all the strips together (jelly roll race technique)and then cut the first length (non-jelly roll race technique). The next step makes me shudder: To make this quick, like the jelly roll race, she takes the remainder of the long strip and sews it onto the first cut length. And you continue to do so until you run out of fabric. 

That is a wonky quilt waiting to happen!

That first video was released five years ago and has 500 ...

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March 7, 2024
Shopping with Bear from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Yesterday was another one of those days where I accomplished lots, but I don't really have anything to show for it! But my Fitbit Steps? Off the chart!! I've been walking at least 13 km every day for the last week. Some of that is intentional walking with the dogs and my afternoon walk, but also all the running around the house collecting samples, setting up equipment, etc. It's totally insane! However, I have aggressive goals, so I need 11.5 KM every day, so I'm not that much ahead!

There are days when I feel ...

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February 22, 2024
The aftermath from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Phew -- so doing that Facebook Live was quite an adventure! I didn't go back and watch it, but I know a few areas where I could do things differently. But I'm OK with that. What am I always telling people? It'll never be perfect the first time -- gosh -- it'll probably never be perfect! However, one learns from experience, and I spent the morning walking through the presentation, moving from chair to chair, standing up to hold the quilts, and prepping fabric or whatever I needed as I did the walk-through. 

I had an agenda on a ...

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October 22, 2020
So far, so good................. from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I'm almost afraid to say this out loud, but we have had no internet issues since the new wires were installed. Could it have been as easy as that to fix the problem? A lot of frustration happened before that fix. I'm still wary as we had one solid week of no issues before, and then it started again. So we're in a holding pattern!

A much better day in terms of getting things done. I don't think we realize how much time is "wasted" as we go from errand to errand. Especially when we're ...

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September 13, 2020
It's all about the books from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 When I look back at the pictures that I've taken the previous day, sometimes I'm amazed at the quantity. Yikes!! No wonder my phone runs out of space from time to time. I guess it's going to be time soon to download the photos and I really need to go through them and delete those that are not necessary. Which is most of them since they are mostly taken so I can write the blog or a homework assignment!

The day started off with my workshop with a local guild. The Etobicoke Quilter's Guild. They have ...

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August 27, 2020
It's my BIRTHDAY!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

How many people want to celebrate their birthdays? I do!! It's not a big birthday this year, but I'm just glad that I'm around one more year and I expect to celebrate many more birthdays. My grandfather lived to 100, and we seem to have great longevity in our family genes. That's my plan as well. So, no - you don't need to know how old I am. You just need to know that I'm still enjoying each and every day, and I can't wait to have some fun today.

Even my Fitbit knows ...

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August 14, 2020
A day of rest from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I had the most relaxed day that I've had in a LONG, LONG time. It was bizarre - I'm not used to that. 

After I finished my morning chores, the big question was to sew or to read? I chose reading! Let's just say that my beloved gazebo is filled with the sun in the morning. I did move the chair around to get sort of in some shade, but it wasn't good enough, so I eventually moved to the kitchen table. I finished the book. Holy - what a storyline. There were more twists in this book ...

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