Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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February 17, 2025
The snow has stopped! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What a whirlwind day! I ran between Zoom and shoveling snow and Zoom. But there is good news—wait for it. 

This was after the first shovel in the morning. This picture was taken around 8 a.m. and the snow was covering up my handiwork as I finished. 

8 a.m.

Then, at 11:30, I went out after finishing my two binding Zoom classes. A lot of snow had accumulated, and it was still snowing. 


Then, there was the shovel session at 3:00 p.m. Each time, it took between 40 - 50 minutes to shovel. Is ...

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February 11, 2025
Going bananas from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OK -- we talked about comments the other day and how the power of suggestion, even in your mind, will trigger things. Well, where did this comment come from? 

The mystery of the internet, for sure! 

I have a favor to ask all of you, particularly those who live close to me or are on the Pony Express. You could always send the items via mail, but I don't want people to incur costs. 

A local group of sewists meets at the library several times a month—maybe even once a week—to make medicine dolls. These dolls help hospitalized ...

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February 5, 2025
Creatures of habit from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh my -- I need to get back to answering your comments. So many great ideas -- thanks for all of them. Maybe I'll get back to a few today. 

Yesterday, I gave two more presentations. This time, our format is 90 minutes, not 60, and that extra 30 minutes is tough. No, it's not tough, but I'm so used to a 60-minute format that it's just a question of getting used to it. Plus, I open my calls 30 minutes in advance, so each call is now 2 hours. No bathroom break, so I have to watch ...

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January 25, 2025
The quilt is in the mail! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

OH MY! As I create a folder each day to store the blog photos, I date it. It's January 25 already! Where has the time gone? 

Someone mentioned the stand-up/sit-down exercises. The chair height is important! Obviously, we are NOT doing this from a step stool. If you can do that, then you're still young! But try various chair heights, and as you become comfortable with one height, find something a bit lower. I get it that some of us have knee issues, so the height can't be too low. But how easily can you get ...

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January 14, 2025
It's a good day! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was a busy day, but it was a GOOD day! I decided to get off my butt and start putting some of this stuff away. Some things in Studio B have languished on the tables since September! Seriously? I know better. So I made HUGE leaps and bounds to get things back in order, and you know what? I feel so much better. I can see open spaces. And I'm much calmer and happier. 

Maybe all those quotes are helping me to see the light! 

Since my decision to change the coloring for Dear Jen, I could put ...

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January 3, 2025
Sampler Quilts from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I know that I shouldn't be reading all these old magazines. I'm above that - toss them and be done with it. Buy no more than you can read. However, I have to say that I LOVE reading them. They are almost more entertaining than reading the current ones, which tend to be filled with patterns I'll never make. 

Here's what I learned from a quilting magazine that is over 25 years old! The magazine is called Sampler Quilts by Quilt and has a copyright date 1999. 

Sampler Quilt magazine

Didn't everyone make a sampler quilt ...

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December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas 2024!!!!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Merry Christmas!!!!!  

Okay—we looked in the box, outside the box, and scoured everywhere, but we are stuck. I needed to sleep on this next puzzle in the EXIT Game, and hopefully, today will be the day to solve it. It doesn't help that my friend, whose son is a wizard at these, mentioned that he was challenged by this particular puzzle. Let's see what happens later today. 

We decided to do another Virtual Retreat Zoom call this morning! If you are around, here's the link. I'll open the call at 10 a.m., and we ...

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December 22, 2024
The command center from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It's all how you look at it! I never considered getting up and down from my sewing machine as a squat. But it's a SQUAT! I'll take it! Elle mentioned that she works inefficiently in her sewing space, and so do I. We all need to keep moving, or you'll end up like my Mom. She can't move, because she didn't move! I need to move - if I don't, my body is going to seize up, and I'll be in worse shape than I am. 

But I love this little command station ...

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December 15, 2024
Change is good (and necessary) from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Do NOT YELL at me, but I fail miserably at ergonomics at my house, especially in the office. Hence my poor posture, which was never good, and whatever other ailments that brings. 

What happened? Well, you know I have this silly pain in my leg, and sitting on a hard chair is a tad uncomfortable. I've been good on my sewing chair in Studio B because it's somewhat cushy. But my office chair is not too well padded. Last night I hauled a comfy chair from Studio B to the office, and well, I'm embarrassed to say ...

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December 13, 2024
It's all about BALANCE from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I hear you about the paper -- deal with it right away. I try - I really try. But here's what I face. At the retreat, I made a list of things I needed to send to people. The list is half complete. I bought a magazine and wanted to share an article with a colleague - it's still sitting on the desk. I must finish writing some documents - the paper is still on the desk. I must follow up with emails - some of that paper is still on the desk. I got a book from the library to help with ...

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December 11, 2024
When you hear PLOP! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh boy—this paperwork is going to be the death of me! I spent the entire morning at the computer, and I swear the desktop doesn't look cleaner! Emails and phone calls got done, but I don't think any physical paper disappeared. I'll try again this morning, but I also have a lot of sewing/embroidery to do, and I need to be downstairs! 

But any progress is progress, and we just keep moving forward. I tackled a few more CDs, and the pile is almost gone. What did I find? I found three photos that I ...

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September 10, 2024
The Countdown.. from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Well, it was a long day, and not without a few glitches, which HAD to be solved. But the good news is that everything got done! I even used up all the extra samples I had made the day before. I wasn't sure I would use them, but I did! 

Everything for Project Two is tagged, bagged, and labeled. It's all packed and ready to go to the airport early in the morning. 

So, my original plan to take a carry-on didn't happen. As I set aside stuff to take, I wondered how many pairs of scissors ...

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September 3, 2024
The mystery is partially solved from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 OK --- so we may have solved the handle mystery. Remember what it looked like? 

The mystery handle

Karen sent me this picture, and the handle of that tool looks suspiciously like the handle above. The one pictured below is a tuner mallet. 

Tuner mallet

I think we all agree that it's some kind of handle that screws into something. Why it screws into something else is part of the mystery. Would you need different ones, and if so, why not just have a separate tool? Or was it to make it lighter to carry, and you had a different ...

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September 1, 2024
When things go bang! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks for the comments—there are always so many good ones! I laughed when I read the comment about decluttering and how so many people start—let's say on September 1st, which happens to be today—or they begin on New Year's Day, but they lose interest after a week or so. 

That happens!!! And it has happened to me in the past. I'd get excited and say, "I will get this place neat and tidy." And then, I didn't. However, every time you decide to tidy up, it is the start of making this a ...

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July 31, 2024
What I did before I left from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 As I write this, I see stormy clouds outside the window. The flight is on time and expected to leave in 5½ hours. Let's pray that it stays on time. Last year, the flight was delayed and it was exhausting. But at least I'll be in the Maple Leaf lounge, which helps. 

There are pros and cons to leaving first thing in the morning or last thing in the day. On long trips like this, I'm good to leave at night and hopefully get a good sleep on the plane. So, if all went well, I should ...

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July 28, 2024
The gamble paid off! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I received a very exciting text and email early this morning. I only saw them while making my breakfast, and I rarely looked at my phone until 9 a.m. However, I'm UPGRADED to business class for my trip! At least the way there—I still don't have a ticket home yet. Yeah, the flight is late at night, and I get a flatbed. Life is good! Now, what will I do with the $1,200 I saved? 

I finished the binding on the 10th donation quilt. Yeah! That goal is done. 

The last binding is on!!!

All ...

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July 27, 2024
The Pony Express is alive and well! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

And there was yet another learning curve yesterday, and I succeeded! It has to do with email. I almost have the blog post ready that lists my classes for the fall. Writing the post was easy, but finding the dates and times took work! For one of the classes, you have to sign up with me, and I know people like to receive an acknowledgment of their email. I won't be able to do it for a couple of weeks. However, I can set that up via email, and I did. I tested it, and it seems to be ...

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July 26, 2024
Neat and tidy is the name of the game from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

What are they doing to my forest? OK, so it's a woodlot, not an endless forest, but I call it my forest—it sounds more impressive! There are a number of entrances to the forest from the sidewalks surrounding it. Since we have lived here, all but one of the entrances has had a paved path for a brief distance into the forest. In all cases, the pavement has prevented erosion on the trails (small hills), which has been good. 

You've heard me mention the erosion. That has only been in the last five years? And I swear ...

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July 25, 2024
Be prepared!!! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Oh, I did not throw that dead skunk into a neighbor's yard!!! I have a large woodlot (my forest) behind my house, and the skunk will decompose and return to the land in a safe and friendly environment! I do NOT dispose of garbage over the fence. I should have been clearer on that, but I assumed (and we all know what happens with that) that everyone who is a regular reader knows I have a natural woodlot behind me. 

Someone said it would smell. I've seen and smelted enough dead animals in that forest—we've lived ...

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July 24, 2024
Revenge on the skunk from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

It was a decent day, but I've been feeling tired lately. Perhaps the heat, although we've had hotter days. I know I'll need a nap today, as I was awake for part of the night. I'm off to spin class but think I'll nap when I return. I hate when that happens, but it's life!

The last blog post needs one last quick read-through, and it's gone, so that is good. I need to take one more picture, but I should have that out of the way by noon—even with a nap ...

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